A recent return to Empire of the Dead gaming, having enjoyed painting up Baskerville earlier, has had me slotting a few extra models in the main painting queue...
One such extra is this Nosferatu Faction Thrall... another small entry to the Painting Challenge...
I kept the colour palette dark and drab as befits his sinister background.
The eyes were a little tricky being right up against his face-concealing scarf/mask.
He is wielding an enormous Steampunk/VSF gun, that looks something like a ManPacked Gatling gun, or may be a Volleygun. Either way it can lay down some serious fire-power to assist and support the close combat orientated Nosferatu faction.
And if the action still gets a little too close to home for him...
...he has a rather nicely slung sword and scabbard across his back...Drop the big gun, draw the sword, and we're in business!
More to come...
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
Monday, January 26, 2015
Giant Eagles
A pair of Giant Eagles for the Lord of the Rings / Hobbit.
These were my submission for the Painting Challenge, for the 'Myth' theme bonus round.
I actually finished them off a few weeks back now, I think in December, but they had to remain absent here from the blog till they featured on the Painting Challenge blog..
Here's a link from Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roc_%28mythology%29
Back to the models and these are again nominally 28mm scale, but are large beasts mounted on large 'flying bases'...
To give an idea of scale I have included a pair of unfortunate orcs in the last picture, who I believe are about to become 'lunch'.
They are plastic multi-piece kits and went together very well. 2 Eagles per box, and you can vary the wings between the torsos, giving you a couple of options on the final pose.
Painting was straight forward, with base coat, shade wash and highlight with drybrushing before final details of eyes, beak and feet were completed. Based and varnished to complete the job.
The movie work by PJ depicting these wondrous creatures was a pleasure to behold, particularly I thought in the first Hobbit movie; An Unexpected Journey,... having rescued the Company, from Azog and his hunter orcs, they fly them to the pinnacle of rock known as the Carrock... these sweeping flight scenes over the scenic landscapes, put to Howard Shore's masterful music, I always find incredibly moving...
These were my submission for the Painting Challenge, for the 'Myth' theme bonus round.
I actually finished them off a few weeks back now, I think in December, but they had to remain absent here from the blog till they featured on the Painting Challenge blog..
The idea of a Giant Eagle is fairly
mythic in itself, but I did recall this mythological beast cropping up from my
D&D RPG days... a Giant Eagle back then was referred to as a 'Roc'...
I did a Google on the Roc, and found it was a mythic beast
from ancient Persia
Here's a link from Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roc_%28mythology%29
Back to the models and these are again nominally 28mm scale, but are large beasts mounted on large 'flying bases'...
To give an idea of scale I have included a pair of unfortunate orcs in the last picture, who I believe are about to become 'lunch'.
They are plastic multi-piece kits and went together very well. 2 Eagles per box, and you can vary the wings between the torsos, giving you a couple of options on the final pose.
Painting was straight forward, with base coat, shade wash and highlight with drybrushing before final details of eyes, beak and feet were completed. Based and varnished to complete the job.
The movie work by PJ depicting these wondrous creatures was a pleasure to behold, particularly I thought in the first Hobbit movie; An Unexpected Journey,... having rescued the Company, from Azog and his hunter orcs, they fly them to the pinnacle of rock known as the Carrock... these sweeping flight scenes over the scenic landscapes, put to Howard Shore's masterful music, I always find incredibly moving...
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Ruins of Osgiliath
I recently finished my GW LOTR Ruins of Osgiliath set...
Sadly, being terrain, they can't count towards the Painting Challenge, but no matter, I couldn't resist painting them up, and they have already seen action in an Empire of the Dead game, as they are wonderfully generic multi-setting use...
After a black spray primer undercoat, I used FAS student acrylic paints, starting with Burnt Sienna, then dry brushed with Yellow Oxide and then White.
I didn't bother basing them as such, so they can be used on any base cloth and blend in nicely...
... plus I have found basing protruding from the edge of terrain pieces often affects model placement and stability... nothing more annoying than a banner that keeps toppling over!
So one set done, I now have to decide if I simply duplicate these with the other two sets I have, or vary their construction... I'll have to have a couple of dry runs and see how things look...
Sadly, being terrain, they can't count towards the Painting Challenge, but no matter, I couldn't resist painting them up, and they have already seen action in an Empire of the Dead game, as they are wonderfully generic multi-setting use...
After a black spray primer undercoat, I used FAS student acrylic paints, starting with Burnt Sienna, then dry brushed with Yellow Oxide and then White.
![]() |
I filled the void under this piece with styrofoam, as suggested and effected a matching stone block look. |
I didn't bother basing them as such, so they can be used on any base cloth and blend in nicely...
... plus I have found basing protruding from the edge of terrain pieces often affects model placement and stability... nothing more annoying than a banner that keeps toppling over!
So one set done, I now have to decide if I simply duplicate these with the other two sets I have, or vary their construction... I'll have to have a couple of dry runs and see how things look...
Thursday, January 15, 2015
It's WWII Jim, but not as you know it...
Ste kindly invited myself and fellow POM migrant, Ashley, round to his mountain top pad, for a demo game of Bolt Action.
I finally arrived, having negotiated the uphill slalom course to reach his top of the world eerie, having taken the last section on foot, and despite missing my cramp-ons, did successfully attain the summit!
NZ never ceases to amaze me, and with land at premium prices to be near the 'Big Smoke', they build houses anywhere they can, even if they could be compared to the north face of the Eiger!
But the view from the top was very impressive, and well worth the effort.
Back to matters at hand, and after introductions and good bit of chat we got on with the game.
Ste had prepared a simple skirmish to give me and Ashley an easy run through of the game, on a 4 x 4 board.
Ashley took the Krauts with a Leutnant, 2 Infantry platoons or Zugs, a medium Mortar team with observer and a MG42 team.
I got the Brits who had an Officer commanding, 3 infantry platoons and an artillery spotter for off table supporting fire.
We each had an objective on our own side of the board, which we had to defend whilst attempting to capture the enemy one.
All platoons started off table and had to be brought on.
Here's the game after first couple of units move on, I am Brits from the right side.
Ashley had got a platoon up against the church wall, and pinned my platoon opposing them in the corn for several turns. I started an end around with a flanking platoon...
As the game progressed Ashley got his MG42 set up on the road, Mortar behind the Church and eventually the second platoon behind the church to reinforce the position.
I managed to get my 3rd platoon up the right flank of the corn field to support the pinned platoon. But the ace up my sleeve was the artillery observer, who called in fire, which when it arrived killed the MG42, and pinned just about all of the Krauts...
This opened the way for me to move up and stick it to 'em... they don't like it up 'em Sir!
I was successful at dislodging and destroying the platoon on the church wall as my pincer move closed in, and managed to pressure the last defending German platoon, thus getting ready for the finally assault on the objective...
But at the crucial moment on the last turn with it all set up, my dice turned to custard, and my assault was repulsed.
We called it there a draw.
I was pleased to have pressured the kraut position and kept the heat off my own.
The game play was indeed interesting, there were similarities to several games, from different aspects... it did feel a little like "WWII-40k", but then the order mechanism broke up the play from the typical IGOUGO mechanism which I liked.
The pinning mechanism was certainly interesting and seemed to be a primary part of the game, and how you managed or mitigated its effect. Assaults were very bloody affairs and resolved quickly with no messing about!
I did feel there was a lot of building up, for a final flurry of dice to decide the matter, and that final dice round I felt a tad frustrated when I exhibited my classic "Bowman-wargaming-dice-luck" skills when it mattered most... I was left wondering whether the assault phase should be better to go 'back and forth a bit' more reminiscent of FoW perhaps?
I'll still happily play it again, and see what I get from a second experience. Not sure whether I will be diving in with both feet, as I have admittedly tried to narrow my wargaming interests, rather than widen them adding another game to the list of things to buy and paint. I wasn't over awed by the figures but there are may ranges to choose from, from what I understand, but I did like the 28mm scale tanks, that Ste had on the side, though we didn't get to use.... (reminiscent of my youth building Airfix tanks...)
I was wary of the fact that this may eventually head towards some 40K-Armageddon induced arms race to buy, build and paint as many tanks as you can, and have then lined up track to track along your board edge...
But Ste assures me game play remains enjoyable enough, without getting silly, if you kept it primarily an infantry game, with the odd bit of tank support...
I'll certainly give it another whirl, and thank Ste for hosting and Ashley for being a fun opponent to play against.
I would have stopped to chat over the game afterwards, as is the wargamers norm, but
I had to leg it promptly home then however, as I had long drive home and didn't fancy turning into a pumpkin half way up the highway... glass slippers and all that ;-)
Having experienced WWII in 28mm, it was time, the following day, to get back to the period in a scale I am far more familiar with, and face my Kryptonite!
Yes, I played Flames of War again!
ValleyCon is just around the corner, and is set for 1500points in MidWar. A last minute decision by Bryan had him deciding to enter!
Bryan hasn't played in probably over a year, much like myself, and we both had probably forgotten half the rules. But I offered to host a game for him to give him a practice refresher before being dropped in the deep end of the two day tournament.
Bryan was running German grenadiers, from Tunisia, with HQ + Mortars, 2 infantry platoons, Pak38s, LeIG7.5cms, LeFH105mms, a pair of StuGs, and some halftrack AAA, and Stuka.
I don't have much Allied stuff, so just ran a Canadian Sherman Company, with some UCs and a Kittyhawk.
Bryan wanted to try out Breakthrough, so we played that mission.
Here's the game after first couple of turns...
I started in top right corner heading for bottom left (telegraph pole markers). I got a reasonably good start and in first turn ran over the leading Gren platoon, as Bryan hadn't got any AT support near them, and they didn't have any integral AT weapons.
Then things start to go pear shaped... the IGs and Pak38s opened up and I lost a Sherman. Here's where things went wrong... instead of avoiding the guns and skirting the terrain, I decided to engage the AT guns , thinking, they'd fired, would be saving on 5+ and I had semi-indirect fire, so would have a heap of shots, and re-roll misses... I just needed to get some 6's... Shortly after, and 14 dice rolls later, I was looking at my dice, just to check there were actually 6's on them somewhere...
Cut a long story short, I pressed on and eventually sorted out the IGs with the carriers and CO. But not before I'd lost a platoon of Shermans.
My reserve Sherman platoon came on, and went straight for the un-dug in grens who had just reached it, hoping to hose them off... but my dice were crap as usual and then I also realised I had just missed a chance to deal with the StuGs... things went from bad to worse...
Air support for both of us did little all game, but had the potential to be annoying...
I kept trying though, and didn't give in, and even managed to kill the kraut CO, the mortars, the IGs and a German Gren platoon and managed a do or die, last turn assault on the objective, with the CO and 2 Shermans, but my dice still were not to be and I was beaten off, with Bryan holding on for the win, Bryan taking it 4-3.
By end of the game I had lost just about everything in my force, with just the CO left... who will shortly be attending a court martial and firing squad for ineptitude...
Not too bad to get back to the game. I quickly got the hang of the rules again, despite a year long gap.
I displayed my usual tactical flare, or lack of (hindsight is great!), and marvelled at my on going "Bowman-wargaming-dice-luck" ...
I think Bryan got something out of the game, learned or remembered a few things, and gave him food for thought on list build options and things to consider for his force, and how to play them in the missions ahead for the tournament.
I half pondered attending the tournie myself, but quickly discounted the idea... that way, madness lies...
I finally arrived, having negotiated the uphill slalom course to reach his top of the world eerie, having taken the last section on foot, and despite missing my cramp-ons, did successfully attain the summit!
NZ never ceases to amaze me, and with land at premium prices to be near the 'Big Smoke', they build houses anywhere they can, even if they could be compared to the north face of the Eiger!
But the view from the top was very impressive, and well worth the effort.
Back to matters at hand, and after introductions and good bit of chat we got on with the game.
Ste had prepared a simple skirmish to give me and Ashley an easy run through of the game, on a 4 x 4 board.
Ashley took the Krauts with a Leutnant, 2 Infantry platoons or Zugs, a medium Mortar team with observer and a MG42 team.
I got the Brits who had an Officer commanding, 3 infantry platoons and an artillery spotter for off table supporting fire.
We each had an objective on our own side of the board, which we had to defend whilst attempting to capture the enemy one.
All platoons started off table and had to be brought on.
Here's the game after first couple of units move on, I am Brits from the right side.
Ashley had got a platoon up against the church wall, and pinned my platoon opposing them in the corn for several turns. I started an end around with a flanking platoon...
As the game progressed Ashley got his MG42 set up on the road, Mortar behind the Church and eventually the second platoon behind the church to reinforce the position.
I managed to get my 3rd platoon up the right flank of the corn field to support the pinned platoon. But the ace up my sleeve was the artillery observer, who called in fire, which when it arrived killed the MG42, and pinned just about all of the Krauts...
This opened the way for me to move up and stick it to 'em... they don't like it up 'em Sir!
I was successful at dislodging and destroying the platoon on the church wall as my pincer move closed in, and managed to pressure the last defending German platoon, thus getting ready for the finally assault on the objective...
But at the crucial moment on the last turn with it all set up, my dice turned to custard, and my assault was repulsed.
We called it there a draw.
I was pleased to have pressured the kraut position and kept the heat off my own.
The game play was indeed interesting, there were similarities to several games, from different aspects... it did feel a little like "WWII-40k", but then the order mechanism broke up the play from the typical IGOUGO mechanism which I liked.
The pinning mechanism was certainly interesting and seemed to be a primary part of the game, and how you managed or mitigated its effect. Assaults were very bloody affairs and resolved quickly with no messing about!
I did feel there was a lot of building up, for a final flurry of dice to decide the matter, and that final dice round I felt a tad frustrated when I exhibited my classic "Bowman-wargaming-dice-luck" skills when it mattered most... I was left wondering whether the assault phase should be better to go 'back and forth a bit' more reminiscent of FoW perhaps?
I'll still happily play it again, and see what I get from a second experience. Not sure whether I will be diving in with both feet, as I have admittedly tried to narrow my wargaming interests, rather than widen them adding another game to the list of things to buy and paint. I wasn't over awed by the figures but there are may ranges to choose from, from what I understand, but I did like the 28mm scale tanks, that Ste had on the side, though we didn't get to use.... (reminiscent of my youth building Airfix tanks...)
I was wary of the fact that this may eventually head towards some 40K-Armageddon induced arms race to buy, build and paint as many tanks as you can, and have then lined up track to track along your board edge...
But Ste assures me game play remains enjoyable enough, without getting silly, if you kept it primarily an infantry game, with the odd bit of tank support...
I'll certainly give it another whirl, and thank Ste for hosting and Ashley for being a fun opponent to play against.
I would have stopped to chat over the game afterwards, as is the wargamers norm, but
I had to leg it promptly home then however, as I had long drive home and didn't fancy turning into a pumpkin half way up the highway... glass slippers and all that ;-)
Having experienced WWII in 28mm, it was time, the following day, to get back to the period in a scale I am far more familiar with, and face my Kryptonite!
Yes, I played Flames of War again!
ValleyCon is just around the corner, and is set for 1500points in MidWar. A last minute decision by Bryan had him deciding to enter!
Bryan hasn't played in probably over a year, much like myself, and we both had probably forgotten half the rules. But I offered to host a game for him to give him a practice refresher before being dropped in the deep end of the two day tournament.
Bryan was running German grenadiers, from Tunisia, with HQ + Mortars, 2 infantry platoons, Pak38s, LeIG7.5cms, LeFH105mms, a pair of StuGs, and some halftrack AAA, and Stuka.
I don't have much Allied stuff, so just ran a Canadian Sherman Company, with some UCs and a Kittyhawk.
Bryan wanted to try out Breakthrough, so we played that mission.
Here's the game after first couple of turns...
I started in top right corner heading for bottom left (telegraph pole markers). I got a reasonably good start and in first turn ran over the leading Gren platoon, as Bryan hadn't got any AT support near them, and they didn't have any integral AT weapons.
Then things start to go pear shaped... the IGs and Pak38s opened up and I lost a Sherman. Here's where things went wrong... instead of avoiding the guns and skirting the terrain, I decided to engage the AT guns , thinking, they'd fired, would be saving on 5+ and I had semi-indirect fire, so would have a heap of shots, and re-roll misses... I just needed to get some 6's... Shortly after, and 14 dice rolls later, I was looking at my dice, just to check there were actually 6's on them somewhere...
Cut a long story short, I pressed on and eventually sorted out the IGs with the carriers and CO. But not before I'd lost a platoon of Shermans.
My reserve Sherman platoon came on, and went straight for the un-dug in grens who had just reached it, hoping to hose them off... but my dice were crap as usual and then I also realised I had just missed a chance to deal with the StuGs... things went from bad to worse...
Air support for both of us did little all game, but had the potential to be annoying...
I kept trying though, and didn't give in, and even managed to kill the kraut CO, the mortars, the IGs and a German Gren platoon and managed a do or die, last turn assault on the objective, with the CO and 2 Shermans, but my dice still were not to be and I was beaten off, with Bryan holding on for the win, Bryan taking it 4-3.
By end of the game I had lost just about everything in my force, with just the CO left... who will shortly be attending a court martial and firing squad for ineptitude...
Not too bad to get back to the game. I quickly got the hang of the rules again, despite a year long gap.
I displayed my usual tactical flare, or lack of (hindsight is great!), and marvelled at my on going "Bowman-wargaming-dice-luck" ...
I think Bryan got something out of the game, learned or remembered a few things, and gave him food for thought on list build options and things to consider for his force, and how to play them in the missions ahead for the tournament.
I half pondered attending the tournie myself, but quickly discounted the idea... that way, madness lies...
Sir Henry Baskerville - Empire of the Dead
Continuing the Empire of the Dead theme, here's a figure I recently submitted to the "Victorian" Bonus theme round of the Painting Challenge.
This was the only round where I couldn't find a way to use a
LOTR/Hobbit figure... I did ponder using either Afrid or the Master of LakeTown
as being in appearance as somewhat 'Eccentric Victorians', but felt that was
probably stretching things a bit, and besides I still have a pile of Empire of
the Dead figures to get done, which are great sculpts and a joy to paint, so...
I entered...
Sir Henry Baskerville.
Baskerville is a WestWind, Empire of the Dead figure in 28mm
scale, and was released as part of the expansion factions from the EotD Requiem
Kickstarter, which I subscribed to quite heavily... and which is still a
notable part of my Lead
Mountain ...
But I digress...
Baskerville is of course based on the character in the novel
the Hound of the Baskervilles, by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, featuring Sherlock
Holmes and Dr Watson...
The novel was adapated to the silver screen many times and
has inspired many other adaptions, and I still recall with some
trepidation the B/W movie from 1939 with Basil Rathbone as Holmes. Stirring
stuff that saw me peaking over at the TV from behind the sofa, as a little
And it somehow seemed appropriate that I get this model done
now, as I submitted 'the Hound' to the Challenge, last year!
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
Empire of the Dead; a Fracas on the outskirts of town, and a spot of desert Island discs...
"Even a man who is pure of heart, and says his prayers by night, may become a wolf, when the wolfbane blooms, and the autumn moon is bright!"
The membership of the Pall Mall Patrons; Gentleman's Club and Order of the Sons of the Empire, had been made aware of disconcerting rumours, concerning strange recent events occurring on the edge of this great City of the realm.
Packing their equipment and armaments, and bolstering their courage with a wee tot, against the bracing evening air, they set out to determine the nature of the occurences.
And thus it was that Harrison Fortesque-Smyth (President; Heavy Pistol and Sword), Teddy "Tex" Montana (recently arrived from the US and instantly indoctrinated as Vice President thanks to his rather large and impressive Bowie Knife, and Heavy pistol ), and the available members at short notice; Reginald Carstairs (Repeating Rifle and Knife), William Thompson (Hunting Rifle with scope, and Knife), Archibald Davenport ( Sword and Heavy Pistol), and Cedric Carruthers (Heavy Pistol and Knife), found themselves on the outskirts of town, looking out into the darkening gloom beyond the hedgerow...
A steady drizzle had been falling for most of the afternoon, and a faint breeze blew the smells of the surrounding countryside towards them...
"I say Carstairs," said Archie, "Can you smell wet dog?"...
And thus our game unfolded, with Paul making a long overdue return to the gamesroom, and bringing with him his Lycaon faction, comprising Beastlord, Packmaster, 4 Wolfskins with Crossbow, Claws of the Wulfen, Bow and Throwing Daggers respectively and accompanied by a large wolf-like hound.
To keep things simple we played a classic Fracas, as it was Paul's first game and I haven't played for many moons...
Pauls take on the days events can enjoyed here in his inimitable style!
I set up the available urban terrain that I could and tagged onto this a rural landscape setting... to keep in theme, I deployed in the Town in a group; The Patrons didn't fancy separating in the dark with the strange howls and snarls drifting across the night air.
The Lycaons spread out across the the countryside in a long skirmish line...
The Gentlemen, pausing to shake hands, and wish each of the very best of luck and good hunting, left the town making for the minor road leading off into the gloom.
The Lycaons advanced, making use of cover but also content to be concealed by the gloom of the night...
Having ventured forth as far as their nerves could take them, the Gentlemen found a rocky bushy outcrop and took up firing positions, peering out in the gloom... its wasn't long before a large shaggy wolf like hound loped into view. A volley of panicky fire blazed forth, lighting up the night, and with a yelp, the hound crumpled to the ground...
Having steadied their nerves, the Gents suddenly found themselves under fire from their flank, as arrows and crossbow bolts began to thud into their position...
Reg picked his hat up off the ground, an arrow embedded through it..."You cad, Sir! By God you'll pay for that!
The exchange of fire continued for several moments, until Tex bravely moved out to try and flank the wolfskins position...
The wolfskins seemed unconcerned by this and kept up their shooting. They knew what was coming up behind them to bolster their flank... the Packmaster...
"Tex? Tex! There's something else coming, look out!"
Meanwhile on the other flank, more wolfskins had been making their way round, trying to distract attention from the snarls and growls coming from the undergrowth, further off in the gloom to the gents left...
Having jumped the City hedgerow the Beastlord now made its way towards the rear side of the gents formation making full use of the cover... Tex having reached the wall surrounding the mad old woman's cottage saw his chance, lowering his pistol and blew away the Wolfskin with Bow.
Snarls and growls were now however very close to his side...
Another exchange of fire had seen Willie move out to try and get a better shot with his Hunting Rifle, only to get clipped by a crossbow bolt. Feeling distinctly dazed by this he slinked back into cover. However two sharp reports to left from the repeating rifle of Reggie, saw another wolfskin slump over behind a bush, a small distance away...
A terrifying growl, to Tex's right, caught his attention real fast, as a mass of hair and teeth and muscle, rushed at him. With the the briefest time to react Tex drew his Bowie knife and braced himself against the wall, but to no avail. The ravenous Packmaster battered him down!
A moment later and Tex lapsed into unconsciousness, howls fillings his ears, though gunshots seemed close at hand...
Hearing screams to their right and looking on in horror as Tex was battered to the ground, Cedric and then Harry, fired their pistols at the maddened beast, and to their great relief, with a howl and a cry, it fell backwards and lay still...
More firing from Willie and Reggie, had dropped another Wolfskin alongside the forlorn remains of its brethren... but the sound of growls and snarls grew louder to their left as suddenly,...
... a great hairy beast burst forth from behind the hedge to their flank... and tore into Reggie! It wasn't a pretty sight!... By the time the last bits of Reggie had fallen back to the ground, the Beast had already charged headlong into Archie, who barely had time to raise his sword in self defence!
Reacting to the screams to his left, Harry somewhat in shock stood up from his crouch behind the bush and was rewarded by a crossbow bolt in the leg...
Grimacing from the pain, he turn to face his attacker, and together he and Cedric fired their pistols at the last remaining wolfskin, who toppled backwards, dead behind the stonewall...
The final sounds that fateful evening were the blood curdling screams of Archie, as he was torn apart!
With a sniff of the air, and sensing its pack had been destroyed, the Beastlord let out one last blood curdling howl, and bolted off into the night...
"My God Sir!" said Willie, looking at the bolt sticking out of Harry's leg... "That was a close call, old boy, lets get you to the quack, eh?"
A most enjoyable light hearted game, and good to see Paul return once more to the gentleman's gaming parlour...
Not put off having succumbed to the Gents firepower, and emboldening by ripping apart a pair of my Gents club, Paul and I decided to have another game, but with the sun well past the yard arm, it was time for luncheon.
So we had a pause for a spot of tiffin, and to feed and water the smaller reprobates under our care, then decided to return to the fray and another round of adventure. This time moving the action to a remote Caribbean Isle, where rumors of strange heathen artefacts abound...
Rumour had it that there were three possible locations of hidden treasure upon this God forsaken spit of land, and both factions headed off into the undergrowth.
{We decided that the entire Isle would count as difficult ground, for movement and provide soft cover (-1) for any shooting. The denser clumps of bush were impassible. We also put out some odd plants that were going to use the Dangerous Flora charts - and then promptly forgot to enact these!}
The opposing Factions deployed on opposite beaches and dashed madly into the fray...
The gents reached a treasure site first, only to find their hopes dashed. This was quickly followed by the Packmaster finding a treasure site, and with a howl of glee, claimed the heathen artifact!
Alerted to this, the Gents pushed on as best they could through the clinging underbrush, trying to shoot down the jubilant Lycaons as they made their way back to the beach...
And despite letting their pistols blaze, and seeing the Beastlord briefly slump down to the ground, they could not stop the Packmaster running off with the prize...
Wolfie (AKA Poppy) ripped the throat out on one poor gent, and fought her way towards Tex!
An exchange of fire occurred else where, and saw a couple of Wolfskins go down... but the Beastlord had by now recovered and was skirting the perimeter again, looking to exploit a flank...
Sadly the gents were powerless the stop the Packmaster making it back to the beach, and another jubilant howl signalled the victory for the Lycaons!
With the game won and in the bag in the blink of an eye, but not enough time to start a fresh game, we just continued to play this game out.
Wolfie got revenge on the gents in short order, after her rapid demise in the first game, and proceeded to chew her way through 4 Gents, by the end of the game!
The gents managed to pop another wolfskin, but the Lycaons were now unstoppable it seemed, the Beastlord ripping apart Reggie...
...and Wolfie chewed through Willie...
With two gents left, Cedric shot down another wolfskin, who was covering the return of the Packmaster...
But the Beastlord then tore in to Harry, who withstood his initial charge but with telling injuries...
The Packmaster ripped into Archie felling him and moved on into the battle with Harry...
Unable to withstand two great hairy beasts, Harry was torn asunder, bravely standing his ground till the last...
A great fun pair of games, that has us enthused to now try starting a campaign series of games.
EotD is an excellent skirmish game, bags of fun and character, and easy to play and pick up the rules... well worth a recommendation!
The membership of the Pall Mall Patrons; Gentleman's Club and Order of the Sons of the Empire, had been made aware of disconcerting rumours, concerning strange recent events occurring on the edge of this great City of the realm.
Packing their equipment and armaments, and bolstering their courage with a wee tot, against the bracing evening air, they set out to determine the nature of the occurences.
And thus it was that Harrison Fortesque-Smyth (President; Heavy Pistol and Sword), Teddy "Tex" Montana (recently arrived from the US and instantly indoctrinated as Vice President thanks to his rather large and impressive Bowie Knife, and Heavy pistol ), and the available members at short notice; Reginald Carstairs (Repeating Rifle and Knife), William Thompson (Hunting Rifle with scope, and Knife), Archibald Davenport ( Sword and Heavy Pistol), and Cedric Carruthers (Heavy Pistol and Knife), found themselves on the outskirts of town, looking out into the darkening gloom beyond the hedgerow...
A steady drizzle had been falling for most of the afternoon, and a faint breeze blew the smells of the surrounding countryside towards them...
"I say Carstairs," said Archie, "Can you smell wet dog?"...
And thus our game unfolded, with Paul making a long overdue return to the gamesroom, and bringing with him his Lycaon faction, comprising Beastlord, Packmaster, 4 Wolfskins with Crossbow, Claws of the Wulfen, Bow and Throwing Daggers respectively and accompanied by a large wolf-like hound.
To keep things simple we played a classic Fracas, as it was Paul's first game and I haven't played for many moons...
Pauls take on the days events can enjoyed here in his inimitable style!
I set up the available urban terrain that I could and tagged onto this a rural landscape setting... to keep in theme, I deployed in the Town in a group; The Patrons didn't fancy separating in the dark with the strange howls and snarls drifting across the night air.
The Lycaons spread out across the the countryside in a long skirmish line...
The Gentlemen, pausing to shake hands, and wish each of the very best of luck and good hunting, left the town making for the minor road leading off into the gloom.
The Lycaons advanced, making use of cover but also content to be concealed by the gloom of the night...
Having ventured forth as far as their nerves could take them, the Gentlemen found a rocky bushy outcrop and took up firing positions, peering out in the gloom... its wasn't long before a large shaggy wolf like hound loped into view. A volley of panicky fire blazed forth, lighting up the night, and with a yelp, the hound crumpled to the ground...
Having steadied their nerves, the Gents suddenly found themselves under fire from their flank, as arrows and crossbow bolts began to thud into their position...
Reg picked his hat up off the ground, an arrow embedded through it..."You cad, Sir! By God you'll pay for that!
The exchange of fire continued for several moments, until Tex bravely moved out to try and flank the wolfskins position...
The wolfskins seemed unconcerned by this and kept up their shooting. They knew what was coming up behind them to bolster their flank... the Packmaster...
"Tex? Tex! There's something else coming, look out!"
Meanwhile on the other flank, more wolfskins had been making their way round, trying to distract attention from the snarls and growls coming from the undergrowth, further off in the gloom to the gents left...
Having jumped the City hedgerow the Beastlord now made its way towards the rear side of the gents formation making full use of the cover... Tex having reached the wall surrounding the mad old woman's cottage saw his chance, lowering his pistol and blew away the Wolfskin with Bow.
Snarls and growls were now however very close to his side...
Another exchange of fire had seen Willie move out to try and get a better shot with his Hunting Rifle, only to get clipped by a crossbow bolt. Feeling distinctly dazed by this he slinked back into cover. However two sharp reports to left from the repeating rifle of Reggie, saw another wolfskin slump over behind a bush, a small distance away...
A terrifying growl, to Tex's right, caught his attention real fast, as a mass of hair and teeth and muscle, rushed at him. With the the briefest time to react Tex drew his Bowie knife and braced himself against the wall, but to no avail. The ravenous Packmaster battered him down!
A moment later and Tex lapsed into unconsciousness, howls fillings his ears, though gunshots seemed close at hand...
Hearing screams to their right and looking on in horror as Tex was battered to the ground, Cedric and then Harry, fired their pistols at the maddened beast, and to their great relief, with a howl and a cry, it fell backwards and lay still...
More firing from Willie and Reggie, had dropped another Wolfskin alongside the forlorn remains of its brethren... but the sound of growls and snarls grew louder to their left as suddenly,...
... a great hairy beast burst forth from behind the hedge to their flank... and tore into Reggie! It wasn't a pretty sight!... By the time the last bits of Reggie had fallen back to the ground, the Beast had already charged headlong into Archie, who barely had time to raise his sword in self defence!
Reacting to the screams to his left, Harry somewhat in shock stood up from his crouch behind the bush and was rewarded by a crossbow bolt in the leg...
Grimacing from the pain, he turn to face his attacker, and together he and Cedric fired their pistols at the last remaining wolfskin, who toppled backwards, dead behind the stonewall...
The final sounds that fateful evening were the blood curdling screams of Archie, as he was torn apart!
With a sniff of the air, and sensing its pack had been destroyed, the Beastlord let out one last blood curdling howl, and bolted off into the night...
"My God Sir!" said Willie, looking at the bolt sticking out of Harry's leg... "That was a close call, old boy, lets get you to the quack, eh?"
A most enjoyable light hearted game, and good to see Paul return once more to the gentleman's gaming parlour...
Not put off having succumbed to the Gents firepower, and emboldening by ripping apart a pair of my Gents club, Paul and I decided to have another game, but with the sun well past the yard arm, it was time for luncheon.
So we had a pause for a spot of tiffin, and to feed and water the smaller reprobates under our care, then decided to return to the fray and another round of adventure. This time moving the action to a remote Caribbean Isle, where rumors of strange heathen artefacts abound...
Rumour had it that there were three possible locations of hidden treasure upon this God forsaken spit of land, and both factions headed off into the undergrowth.
{We decided that the entire Isle would count as difficult ground, for movement and provide soft cover (-1) for any shooting. The denser clumps of bush were impassible. We also put out some odd plants that were going to use the Dangerous Flora charts - and then promptly forgot to enact these!}
The opposing Factions deployed on opposite beaches and dashed madly into the fray...
The gents reached a treasure site first, only to find their hopes dashed. This was quickly followed by the Packmaster finding a treasure site, and with a howl of glee, claimed the heathen artifact!
Alerted to this, the Gents pushed on as best they could through the clinging underbrush, trying to shoot down the jubilant Lycaons as they made their way back to the beach...
And despite letting their pistols blaze, and seeing the Beastlord briefly slump down to the ground, they could not stop the Packmaster running off with the prize...
Wolfie (AKA Poppy) ripped the throat out on one poor gent, and fought her way towards Tex!
An exchange of fire occurred else where, and saw a couple of Wolfskins go down... but the Beastlord had by now recovered and was skirting the perimeter again, looking to exploit a flank...
Sadly the gents were powerless the stop the Packmaster making it back to the beach, and another jubilant howl signalled the victory for the Lycaons!
With the game won and in the bag in the blink of an eye, but not enough time to start a fresh game, we just continued to play this game out.
Wolfie got revenge on the gents in short order, after her rapid demise in the first game, and proceeded to chew her way through 4 Gents, by the end of the game!
The gents managed to pop another wolfskin, but the Lycaons were now unstoppable it seemed, the Beastlord ripping apart Reggie...
...and Wolfie chewed through Willie...
With two gents left, Cedric shot down another wolfskin, who was covering the return of the Packmaster...
But the Beastlord then tore in to Harry, who withstood his initial charge but with telling injuries...
The Packmaster ripped into Archie felling him and moved on into the battle with Harry...
Unable to withstand two great hairy beasts, Harry was torn asunder, bravely standing his ground till the last...
A great fun pair of games, that has us enthused to now try starting a campaign series of games.
EotD is an excellent skirmish game, bags of fun and character, and easy to play and pick up the rules... well worth a recommendation!
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