
Friday, January 31, 2014

The Castellans of Dol Guldur

The Castellans of Dol Guldur


...of Dol Guldur

As mentioned in prior posts, my son and I have been enjoying some LOTR gaming, with us following the Fall of the Necromancer Campaign.

Our next scenario required us to use 4 Castellans of Dol Guldur. I have had these figures for quite some time so it was a nice chance to have them thrust to the front of the painting queue.

Wonderfully evil and sinister models, without going OTT in a Warhammer kind of way…
In the game they are rather useful too. They act as independent heroes, with no attached warband. They cause Terror – no surprise there, and have decent fight skill, strength and defense. 2 attacks are useful and the option to add a Morgul Blade, keeps heroes on their toes.

But what's really interesting is the 12 Will points – which can also be used as fate points too. Meaning these things are darn difficult to kill!  Thus they work a little like a relentless killer - a "Terminator" of Middle Earth... 

These figures have also gone towards Curts painting challenge so have also scored me some much needed points.

The models were prep’d and undercoated black, then the black robes were heavily drybrushed with very dark grey (50/50 mix of black and Mechanicus Standard Grey-MSG) , then the edges picked out in dark grey (MSG). The armour was painted Tin Bits followed by Chainmail. The sword hilt was done in Shining Gold and the belts in very dark brown, Rhinox Hide. The whole was then washed in a thinned black wash, (Vallejo - approx 50/50 with water) and once dry a final wash of green (Thraka Green) was added to give a slightly spectral ghostly quality.

Basing was sparse and barren with sand glued to base with thinned PVA, and then washed with dark brown wash (Vallejo), and lightly highlighted in cream, (Foundry 12c).

The above technique will work equally well painting 'generic' Wraiths, Black Numenoreans, and Morgul Stalkers etc ... 

A few scattered tufts were added to finish the effect.

We hope to bring you the next battle report soon...


  1. Well done Scott - you've really made the most of some nice detail there!

    1. Thanks Paul. Yes lots of surface detail for washes and dry brushing to work their magic!

  2. Very nice Scott, I am trying to stay away from LOTR as a game, but I have to say that I enjoy painting the figures.


    1. Thanks, that's one of the reasons I cant help coming back to it, like a moth to a flame!

  3. Lovely job on these. Just starting on some Mirkwood Rangers myself. Not got the Castellans, amazingly.

    1. Thanks you Sir. Oooh - Mirkwood rangers! Jealous! I think the Castellans are still available though maybe be mail order only now?

  4. Nice job, Some of my favourite evil miniatures.

    1. Thanks Simon, certainly a spooky, menacing group.

  5. Excellent work !!
    I like the metal on the black : not easy but perfectly done there !


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