
Saturday, February 01, 2014

Cherry blossom, a tree so beautiful, it belongs with the Elves...

Good mate Roly has been enjoying a hobby jaunt in the Orient recently, as can be seen in many of his current blog posts...

As part of this adventure in a new setting, some suitable terrain was required and Roly sourced some model Cherry Blossom trees, I believe, from a Hong Kong based ebay trader...

Having made what he needed to create the setting he was after, he found he had an excess, and very kindly offered me a spare pack...

Like Roly, I always love good terrain on the tabletop, and these were a wonderful addition to my own terrain collection, and recent DIY trees I made from bottle brushes...

I based them on 60mm discs cuts from 3mm MDF. Used hot glue to attach to the base, then added my usual tea-leaf brown flock, with PVA/brown paint (50 /50 mix), then green static grass to finish. I am tempted to add some flower clumps too...

I couldn't help but think their bright colourful display was very in keeping with an Elven setting, and feel this is probably how I will use them most. It also inspires me to try and make some suitably Galadhrim dwellings to go with them... I may have a look over the PC game; The Battle for MiddleEarth II, for a little inspiration and ideas...

Interestingly too, I do feel that the way PJ et al at WETA envisaged the elves, draws somewhat from oriental themes, in their long bows, curved elven blades and banded armour, so perhaps the match up with Cherry blossom trees is rather apt!

Galadhrim defend their home land


  1. Just the thing for elves to dance beneath at midnight!

  2. beautiful !! I've seen them on ebay: you can find a lot of stuffs with the research words: "architectural models": sometimes like 20 trees for 15€ or something like that ! add the word "tree" or "plants" or even "figures" if you want figures in OO Ho etc.. scale.

  3. Very nice they look great. As you mention at the end it suits the lotr elves style.

  4. I bought a bunch of these from Hong Kong recently too, a present for a mate building a Japanese garden for Ronin. I too based them on mdf bases due to the thick nature of the trunks.

  5. Wow! They look wonderful. What is the name of the eBay seller if you don't mind me asking?

    1. Thanks Scott, they are here I believe... (copy and paste to your browser)


  6. Good stuff Scott, and happy New Year. Looks like some LOTR awaits us this year. Will look forward to it!

  7. Very nice work, love these trees...

  8. They look great, and very thematic. Looking forward to another battle report with them in.

  9. Very nice!!!!


  10. Beautiful trees they fit well with the elves.

  11. Oooh, those wold look great in a samurai/ninja game :)!

  12. Really great looking terrain item, I just think that I will have to order some of these.


  13. Just stumbled across this - these are amazing!


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