
Thursday, January 23, 2014

A little panzer love...

As part of my entries to Curts Anologue Hobbies Painting Challenge, I painted up a set of 5 Plastic Soldier Company Panzer IV F1's ...

These had been destined to add an extra dimension to my Midwar Flames of War German forces... I had been waiting and waiting for PSC to do the PzIII (LM) variants as this seems to be the bees knees for MidWar Krauts but they still hadn't got round to it, so I grabbed a box of their Panzer IVs and made the Ausf F1 variant...

 I quite liked the direct fire smoke capability and the bombardment possibilities...

Finished in my typical 3 colour camo style...

Not sure when they'll see action now as I've kinda lost interest in the game...

But a sense of 'completeness' has made me paint them up anyway as I had made them for the challenge...


  1. Very nice indeed Scott, they certainly look the business. A great addition to the collection.

  2. I love these mate - very nice indeed!
    I'm just starting out on my foray into 15mm WW2 Germans, so thanks for the inspiration!

  3. Excellent work. I've always found mid-war to be the most fun of the FOW choices

  4. Amazing work on these, Scott. Hard to believe their 15mm - they look like 1/35th scale models. Best, Dean

  5. I have a platoon of these for my DAK force. The PCS models are very nice and the unit is pretty useful in game terms. I hope you get back into the game. The different eras play very different from one another so maybe you need to branch out a bit.

  6. Great painting Scott. I'd agree with Robert that the different eras do give different games and that mid-war is probably the most enjoyable for a German commander. Having said that, I played and painted so much FoW last year that I'm officially FoWed out and will probably only FoW in our 800 point Early War club tourny, so maybe a break is a good idea. Plenty of Victorian madness to keep you otherwise occupied!

  7. That is lovely work on the camo Scott!

  8. Top banana as usual Scott. I'm not playing so much now either as I can't quite find the right opponents with the same story telling mindset as myself. Good to see you've gone back to LoTR SBG - plenty of storytelling there!

  9. Fantastic work on these Pz IVs Scott. Really like the camo !

  10. Top tanks Scott, I am sure you will come back to WW2 at some point in the future.

  11. They look top shelf old man.

  12. Excellent They make me feel all Airfixy!

  13. Thanks all! I'll probably get back to some WWIi action at some point - though for the time being I am focusing on MiddleEarth - I am also having a bit of a clear out so check my Trademe (New Zealand) link in sidebar.
    Sorry I have not been too active on blogger and forums at the mo, I'm on holiday and have folks over from UK, so I'm a bit out of the loop...


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