
Saturday, November 09, 2013

Victorian Terrace #2 - Completed!

Finally finished Victorian Terrace #2 today, despite coming down with the lurgy earlier in the week and not really feeling like doing any hobby work. I visited the local apothecary, was prescribed a suitable potion, kept calm and carried on! ;-)

 So without further ado, here's the completed building, all painted and lights in working order...

Front view
I decided to go with a different brick colour, after reading an interesting blog post on East London buildings by the Legatus, here.

Side view
I also added some posters to the gable ends, some themed from EotD and other general Victoriana I found on the web.

Rear view
I also added some grassy weeds to the rear yard, just to give it a little life and contrast.

Another side view

Close up posters
Infernium, the fuel of the future, rumored to be the crystallized blood of fallen angels!

More posters
Some street scenes...

Having two buildings complete now means I can start to get some decent cameos, with one building providing the back drop to the other. As you can tell I also went back and added posters to the original red brick terrace building and again added weeds to its rear yard too.

Lights go on as twilight approaches (main room lights off, just display case halogens on)...sorry pics get a little blurry here, the camera struggles with the low light and shaky hand! Sorry.

Proper night time shots (room lights off completely)... very pleased with these, rather atmospheric I think!

And finally the two buildings together, on the 4' x 4' base board I made for goblin town. It will do till I sort out a board with a fully cobbled surface.

So final total build time on second house was 7.5 weeks. Much better than the 5 months the first one took me! But I did concentrate more purposefully upon it, once I knew Requiem was immanent and I had learnt a lot from building the first one...

What next then, I hear you cry? I need to clear the painting table, as its currently got some FOW begleit troops on it before I can make a start on the Requiem figures... And as for the next building... I am thinking about doing a corner public house...


  1. Very nice. The lighting is terrific, as you say, very atmospheric

  2. Agree! Great work and atmosphere, love the night pictures!

    1. Thanks Phil, I was very happy with how they turned out, bracing my camera hand on the table edge made all the difference.

  3. Amazing work Scott! Makes my own London Docks board pale in comparision. Good idea with the public house...I had one planned before I figured out that I had enough buildings. For inspiration take a look at the one on this page:

    1. Thanks for the link Kaspar, as you say some great inspiration and ideas there! :-)

  4. Excellent work there Scott you are well on your way to a top quality table everyone including myself will be envious of.

    1. Thanks Robert, I hope I can keep up the quality level from now... I've set my own bar, now I have to keep getting over it!

  5. Wow, brilliant.

    That night shot is amazing.

    1. Thanks, pretty cool eh? :-) I was surprised how much light the little LED gaslamps gave out once you got down close to them.

  6. What an amazing series of posts on this! The end result is just I incredible. Great job!

    1. Thank you Jerry sincerely. I hope the WIP progress shots have been a 'how to' for those that want to give it a try - time consuming but the results are worth it.

  7. Fantastic Scott. The little detail makes a huge difference. Love the dirty brick work, the posters and the lighting. Looking forward to your corner pub.

    1. Thanks Dan, it all brings it all together doesn't it? I've got some ideas for the pub, just need to get them down an paper and perhaps do a scale floor plan, to make sure its going to fit right on the board with the other buildings.

  8. Fanfrikkingtastical Scott!!!!! The posters look great and add that EotD touch to the buildings. The night time shots are bloody ace!

    1. LOL ! Thanks Simon, I appreciate it. The posters were a nice find, thanks to 'kidterminal' on Westwind forum for putting the EotD ones up there.They printed out great as is without any clever resizing needed.

    2. Sorry just double checked - its was Andy Cooper himself who uploaded them to the forum. Thanks Andy!

  9. Magnificent! All the little details add up to something very special. I can't wait to play a game with them. Love the night time shots, the lights are perfect.

    1. Thanks Paul. Its all in the details as they say. Hope for something this weekend if you are free?
      If we're going to have a proper night time game, we may need to get a pair of those lights you wear on your forehead, if you know what I mean!
      All very Steampunk looking dontcha know! ;-)

  10. Superb work... Now , just need to see some gaming!

    1. Thanks Dave, there's a number of local factions looking to try out the rules... next weekend may be just the time to give them a whirl... watch this space for more...

  11. Huzzah and Hurrah - Brilliant! Love the colours and posters, very thematic. I'm sure you are most satisfied with the way its coming beautifully along, and hope it gives you inspiration for your project. That is happening to me at the moment with my cemetery which has grown substantially from its modest 1 foot square concept!

    The lighting components are excellent - love the street light in particular.
    Gonna have to get some of these myself!

    Re cobbled streets - I am just finishing off a hand made technique just gluing small squares of card down onto mdf and drybrushing them. Quick and effective (and cheap)

    1. Glad you like it Paul, and that your own terrain is coming on well too. Great to hear, I must check it out on your blog. I've a few ideas I am considering to make the cobbled street surface... though cheapness certainly appeals! ;-)

  12. Wow !
    Impressive and perfect work !
    I really like the houses and the scenes with your (beautiful) figures.
    I like also especially the "on-night" ones : splendid !
    You can be proud of your work, Scott !

  13. Excellent work, they certainly look the part, and the last photo with the street lights on is just great.


  14. Well worth all of the effort Scott. They look fantastic!

    1. Thanks Nate, all these wonderful comments make the effort all the more worthwhile.

  15. Super stuff Scott. The lighting is something else indeed!

    1. Thanks Michael... I wanted to try and go that little bit extra with these building and the lighting effect seemed the way to do it. I've now got ideas for a smoke filled sewer system beneath the game board too, that will come up through the drain covers...

  16. Awesome work, and you only live 40 minutes away. Dan and I will have to come for a game one day soon.

    1. Thanks Steve, you would both be more than welcome. I could hope to put on a rural board and an urban board and have two games going at once...

  17. Oh Scott, well done sir! Something to be very proud of, a fabulous piece of work.

  18. Superb piece of work there Scott! I'm sure it's going to offer hours of gaming fun!


  19. Very nice. Those night shots with all the working lights are impressive.

    1. Thanks, I am very pleased with how they turned out :-) Its made the effort worthwhile.

  20. Looks great Scott, like the lighting and night shots. Playing with cool terrain you made yourself is always satisfying

    1. Thanks Mark! Always brings a smile moving figures on a board with cool terrain... :-)

  21. Oh my, this came out superb, Scott. The posters add a nice touch, but the basic structure and courtyard are thoroughly impressive. What a nice contrast to the earlier red brick one you also masterfully created. Best, Dean

    1. Many thanks Dean, I think the whole thing has come together rather well, with details complimenting structure, and vice versa! Cheers, Scott.

  22. Truly awesome mate. I've been eagerly awaiting the final effect of the lighting. I don't know how hard it would be to game in the dark (what did I roll again?) however it would be fantastic I'm sure. Unfortunately I'm a complete moron when it comes to that magic stuff called "electricity" therefore I think I'll just concentrate on day light gaming I think.
    Bravo that man!

    1. Thanks Ste, we may need a small side table, perhaps with flickering candle light to illuminate our dice throwing, and chart recording! ;-)

  23. Hi Scott,

    absolutely excellent work. Especially the night shots are pure eye candy. I'm looking forward to see more of your Victorian project.


    1. Thanks Stefan :-) They certainly seem to have grabs folks attention! I'm looking forward to getting started on next one too, though its going to have a more complex build...

  24. Bloody amazing - absolutely first class. Bravo!

  25. You've got that brick colour spot on! The lighting is just amazing!

    1. Thanks Legatus, and thanks again for heads up on brick colour, it really is a nice contrast to the other redbrick terrace building. :-)


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