
Friday, November 08, 2013

AliExpress refunded!

For those curious, I received my refund from AliExpress, on behalf of "Miranda Irene'" the seller.

Communication has been OK through the website, though admittedly their English was a little broken but I could get the meaning...

So I didn't get the cheap toys I hoped for, but didn't get stung either.

Not sure whether I feel like trying again...

A cheap Gaz? Close but no cigar...


  1. Well I can see why you might feel a little ambivalent about the whole thing.

  2. Good to hear you got your refund. Hope you get that Gaz someday. Best, Dean

  3. Do they do copies of rule books? GW has just put out a rule set for multiplayer games with cards and tokens. Thought the mechanic would work with other games but I ain't paying $165 for them.

    1. I think its just the models they are supplying...not rulebooks. You may be able to get it online cheaper than buying from GW here. I'll PM you.

  4. Cool, At least you got a refund did they explain why?

    1. The initial situation arose when I got an email saying the order had been cancelled, as it had not been shipped within 7 days of order being placed. This email came from AliExpress, not the seller; Miranda Irene. When I managed to contact them (MI), they still wanted to supply, but by the time we agreed to go ahead with the supply, the credit had been issued... so with the mix up - I am just wary of trying again...

  5. I found out that some of their orders got messed up when they had to move all their warehouses so they cancelled some and others got delayed. They had to take all their product offline for a little while. So we got some delayed goods due to that.

    1. Just my luck, it affected me, still perhaps its a good thing, as had it worked out, my credit card may have been groaning at the repeat purchases!

  6. At least you're not out of pocket, I suppose it did seem a little too good to be true.

  7. Congratulations you got your money back.


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