
Monday, November 18, 2013

Another summer, another annual challenge from Curt!

Summer is just around the corner for us Southern hemisphere types... and in the miniatures hobby world, that can only mean one thing; Curt's 'Analogue Hobbies' Painting Challenge...

This years challenge

I have taken part in the last couple years events, with varying amounts of output, but its always great to be part of the global challenge, no matter where you are placed at the end. There are some painters out there who can churn out vast quantities of quality figures, that I could only dream of matching in output, so for me its not about the winning, just taking part...

Whilst our northern cousins can take solace in the poor weather and long dark evenings, that are thus perfect for guilt-free indoors hobby painting, the challenge is exactly that for those of us in south enjoying the summer weather. But I guess that is in effect part of our challenge too, finding the time to squeeze in some time when possible at the painting table - almost praying for a wet weekend! ;-)

This year, Curt has widened the subject matter allowable to include sci-fi and fantasy, and that I think is a great thing, which I openly applaud! Nice one Curt - we are really in for a visual feast of varied submissions! And I can't wait to see what starts rolling in... you are going to have your hands full judging this lot my friend. But no doubt you have a few years practice under your belt to know how this is all going to run...

For myself, well I have a few things lined up as potential entry material... as always there will be 15mm Flames of War... also I have yet to start work on my Requiem Empire of the Dead figures... there are still 'tons' of LOTR/Hobbit figure backlogged stashed away to do... and there are some Foundry Saxons that are scheduled for possible SAGA service... So lots of scope for the paint brush...

However, a couple of caveats to my potential output... I still want to make more terrain for my Victorian London board for EotD, and that is time consuming work and beyond the scope of the challenge...  on top of which, my father is visiting with us, from the UK,  for a month over January/February, which typically will mean family activities together, and evenings chatting and imbibing a dram or three of whiskey... my liver has been in forewarned!

But that all said and done, we will do what we can!

So what my real output will finally be, it's hard to judge, but I have set myself a nominal challenge score of 600 points. Its at least, something to aim for!

Wish me luck.

And of course, best of luck to all the other participants!


  1. good luck with your target I am sure you will make it, glad to hear we will see more of your great buildings.
    Peace James

    1. Thanks James, I'll try my best, and yes more buildings to come, lots of ideas bubbling away!

  2. Good luck Scott. Looking forward to seeing another Antipodean flying the flag!

    1. Thanks mate, and you too, we'll give 'em a run for their money alright!

  3. Good on you Scott - look forward to your output. So much harder for us down in the Southern Hemisphere as it is over summer when we all want to go our and do fun things! Still, nothing like a committment to something like this to get you going. I have been working the brushes recently, so am about to post some photos of my latest stuff. Was thinking an Empire of the Dead tournment would be fun as well - with you guys up the coast and us down here we could have more than enough numbers.

    1. I second that idea Dan. While it doesn't seem like a particularly "tournament" game, it would be a great way to immerse ourselves in the rules for a day and really get up to speed with things.

    2. Thanks Dan, yes indeed, if it want for the challenge I might not get much done! Great to hear, and yes I agree we must get together for some EotD gaming!

  4. Good luck Scott, I'm sure you'll manage to crank out an admirable amount of top-notch work.

  5. Looked through the rules on Analogue Hobbies and this seems interesting. But I definitely think you have a geographical/weather-related disadvantage, as you touched on above! ;)

    Anyways, good luck!

    1. Thanks Llama, I'll have a fair ol' crack at it, none the less...

  6. Good luck fellah - I'm in too now
    Best wishes for lots of fun and eye candy all around :-D

    1. Which of course begs the question of wether we should have an Aussies vs Kiwis points total battle... :-)

    2. LOL, gotta warn ya, we've gotta a ringer down here-aways... name of Kent ! ;-)

    3. Thanks Paul, and same to you mate, good to see you joining in this year

  7. I am sure your father visiting will trump the challenge by a long chalk.

    Have a great challenge and an even better reunion


    1. Thanks Ian, on both counts, yep we'll enjoy and good chin wag , crank up the Barbie, and crack open a beer for four for sure ;-)

  8. It seems you will be facing challenges during Curt's challenge;)

    Good luck on reaching your objective. And may your brushes (and mine) be on fire throughout.

  9. Scott, I hope that you have such a great time with your Dad's visit that you just barely make your painting goal . . . and I wish similar good luck to all of the other participants. May "real life" be wonderful for all of you (and my you still manage to make your goals.

    -- Jeff

    1. LOL, thanks Jeff, wise words indeed, from one who no doubt knows the real important matters in life!

  10. looking forward to seeing what you come up with this year Scott, loved the Goblins last time.

    1. Thank you Michael, I might just get the dwarves done finally in time for the end of this years challenge - they've sat glumly looking at me for in the undercoat for 12 months now!

  11. Good luck with the comp Scott!

  12. Looking forward to seeing your output Scott.

  13. Its great to have you along with us again, Scott. Your output may not topple the heap but its always a delight to see.

    1. Thanks Curt - I kinda have a plan this time, or at least, have decided to spend the time between now and start of the challenge to just prepping and undercoating models, rather than just just keep working away in my normal way, one 'project' at a time. I just finished some Begleit Tank Escorts (here; to clear the painting table, and finished putting together a set of five PSC tanks, but they'll await paint till the Challenge starts. Last night I prep'd another pack of Begleits and started on my 155 Howitzer battery... I rather like doing the Begliets as the dismounted group, reminds me of Steiner's little band of scouts (Cross of Iron - a fave movie of mine), which will be nicely in tune with your Peckinpah theme! :-) After that I'll probably start prepping my EotD Requiem stuff, and I'll give the Foundry Saxons a look over...

  14. Hi Scott,

    I'm glad to hear that'll work on further Victorian buildings. The last were just too excellent no to improve you collection.
    And good luck for your summer painting challenge!


    1. Thanks Monty - no worries, I am keen to keep focus on EotD and get the board playable for the urban scenarios. I am hoping to do a corner public house next...

  15. Good luck on the Challenge Scott! We have a similar issue here in Phoenix. The Summer is brutally hot, so the year end holidays are when it is finally nice to be outside. That coupled with holiday travel (all of our relatives live in California) will make December dicey for output at best. I just had to jump on the challenge when I read that sci-fi and fantasy were allowed this year. I'm just hoping to motivate myself and not be too much of an embarrassment painting wise.

    1. Thanks Sean, of course I hadn't considered that (my Northern hemisphere experiences mostly being the North of England - hardly tropical in the summer!) , too much of a good thing I guess? Glad to hear you have joined us, and yes the broader scope of the challenge will have a much wider appeal to participate in, and I guess in audience too!

  16. Blimey, nothing like setting yourself a challenge. I'm sure you'll withstand the painful draw of sun, beer and good company in favour of dark little rooms and toy soldiers! I'd join in however my painting speed is really not up to it, I'm more of casual observer of this kind of event. However good luck all, long live the hobby.


  17. Sorry for being tardy...good bloody luck on the challenge!

  18. I will join the end of a very long queue in wishing you luck Scott.

    1. Many thanks Pat :-) I trust you are taking part too? If so best of luck also!


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