
Saturday, October 26, 2013

Victorian Terrace #2 - WIP8 - Roof tiling finished!

Just another quick post to show the roof tiling now complete, on main dwelling and outhouses.


I had hoped to get this done by last weekend, but one or two other urgent projects got in the way!

Still, back on track now...


Long weekend here in NZ, for 'Labour Day' weekend, so will press on with rigging up internal lighting, if time allows...


  1. Awesome. Looking forward to seeing two of them finished together.

  2. Very very nice Scott! The roof tiles look fantastic!!

  3. Love these terrace buildings they will make a great board.

  4. Your work is so clean and efficient, Scott. It looks better than manufactured kits. Best, Dean

  5. Great stuff Scott. Looks fab - do you think this one is better than the first? Certainly done more efficiently it seems. Right, on to the Requiem miniatures!

    1. Thanks guys. Yes Dan it has certainly come together better and quicker - I think after the first you learn what works and what doesnt. I also prefer the windows in the 2nd one... I have just added some white net curtain effect to lower half of windows, and later today will add curtain trips down sides. I also finished the LED lighting rig yesterday, it just needs installing inside in some cut to fit MDF pieces... After that, add perimeter pavement, paint it all, add gaslamps, and finally chimney pots. I added the later too early with the first one and kept knocking them off during handling as build continued...

      So I hope I might be finished by next weekend... All up it will have been about a 6-7 week build...

      Now I am trying to decide what build next; Corner pub, police station, factory building...???

  6. This is seriously impressive


  7. Well worth all that effort Scott, the building is superb.


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