
Monday, October 28, 2013

Victorian Terrace #2, WIP9 - LED lighting, Curtains and base.

With the long weekend here in NZ, I had three days, in which to make some more progress...

First job was to ready the lighting rig; 20 twinkle effect yellow LEDs, wired together in a parallel circuit, so only one resistor was needed, which was wired in first to the positive terminal of the twin D size battery holder.

Lighting rig.
The lighting rig was then hot glued to a piece of MDF cut to fit the internal shape of the house, with 10 lights to either side. Another piece of MDF went across the top, so the battery holder could be placed in the roof void.
Lights and battery holder

Prior to installing the lights, I had put up the curtains. I found a supply of white material that would do for a net curtain effect, glued into place, over the lower half of each window. Then strips of material were glued in to effect curtains (handy having a mother-in-law who sews, and has an endless supply...)

Lighting and Curtains.
So with curtains fitted, and lighting in place; a quick picture. Not much to see in daylight;

...but with the lights out,  the effect is quite pleasing; imagine these twinkling...

Night time lighting effect
Th last thing over the weekend, with the internals complete, was to add the perimeter pavement. Another piece of MDF. This will be clad with DAS clay, and a paving slab pattern etched in...

MDF pavement perimeter added

Also over the weekend, to get us in the mood for some Victorian era drama, I downloaded the Dracula sound track from ITunes...

... so we could have it playing, while playing Fury of Dracula, with my son Chris. Great fun :-)

Victory went to the Count! I vant to byte you neck, blah blah blah,...a little bit of Hotel Transylvania there too!... ;-)

Next up for the house, once pavement done, will be to add the Gaslamps, wire those in, add chimney pots, gutters and drain pipes and paint the whole thing... Nearly done now.


  1. Now that's taking it to the next level Scott, brilliant work!

  2. Fantastic stuff!

    I too am playing with lighting effects in my cemetery buildings at the moment. With all the Christmas stuff in the shops at the moment you'll find small, battery operated LED 'candles' for putting on the tree- cheap as chips. Get some of those and break them open to get yourself small ones for smaller, stand alone buildings.

  3. That is a thing of awe and beauty! Tremendous, simply tremendous Scott.

  4. Very cool Scott. Background music can add to the game, like when playing Star Wars x-wing (guilty). With that idea I think I will play the soundtrack from Firefly (if there is one) while playing Firefly: the game.

    1. There are soundtracks for both the series and the movie

    2. Must admit I am having to try and restrain myself when I log onto ITunes - there's so many cool soundtracks available! My credit card may start whimpering! ;-)

  5. Wow - impressively elaborate!

  6. Wow Scott, that's so gorgeous. Simply breath taking!

  7. Now that's going the extra mile! You have the makings of a fantastic board now, but you'll have to play all your games in the dark.

    1. LOL, yeah I know ;-) I did find that, in my gamsroom, once its dark out, if I just flick the lights on in the display cases, it gives just enough light to still be able to see to play, yet also allows the lights on in the building to be seen nicely, to set the scene, have a look here to see what I mean... scroll down to 'nocturnal shots'

      Nocturnal shots

  8. A great addition. Looks good

  9. Fantastic work, Scott. I'll have to come over one day (or nighttime) to see it in person, now I'm back from Blighty.

    1. You'd be more than welcome Roly, anytime... :-)

  10. Wow!! Very amazing Scott. Definitely taking to the next level. Well done!

  11. Thanks all for you kinds words of appreciation and support. much appreciated :-)

  12. Now that is really beyond me! You'll need a fog maker next! Don't know the Dracula soundtrack I must check it out now I have all these Empire of the Dead figures to paint!

    1. Hmmm, now theres an idea; a fog maker! We are hiring a smoke maker for a hallowe'en party ( i think) ... I wonder if you can get mini ones ;-)
      ... thinking outside the box... I recall something from the early LOTR making of disks, that talked about them burning beeswax to get the smoke out of the hobbit chimneys... wonder if that might work?

    2. Enjoy the Dracula soundtrack, very moody indeed!


  13. The way forward is LED Lighting have a look at our great site LED Lighting.


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