
Friday, October 25, 2013

Getting clever with Blogger? An appeal for help!

Guys, and Gals, in the wider blogging community, I am looking for a little help in ways to jazz up my blog posts a little...

One thing I would like to do is to be able to use more interesting Fonts on my blog posts.

For example, how would I add more options to the Font drop down menu in New Post, see pic below:

More Fonts wanted!
I am aware of Google Fonts but can't figure out how to add them to this...

Another thing I would like perhaps, is to create a little 'mood' with certain blog posts, via musical accompaniment. I don't just mean a Youtube video clip in the post you have to click on, but something a little more automatic, such that once a blog post is clicked on to view, its accompanying music will start to play automatically...

I've got a bunch of movie soundtrack stuff on my Ipod, and for example having an excerpt from say Sherlock Holmes playing alongside a Empire of the Dead post could be quite cool I thought...

Any clever people out there who can help please, comment below, or email me ( Email link in sidebar below Pirate picture).

Cheers and happy blogging!



  1. Please don't include music! I find it incredibly annoying when a webpage starts to play music unasked for, especially as I'm usually already listening to MP3s.

    1. OK Ferb, noted. Perhaps a simple music on/off 'button' for the post too then?

    2. Don't forget you may well be infringing someone's copyright using their music as well. At the very least you might be required to pay a royalty every time someone hears a track.

    3. Me too - one of the most hideous things known to man unprompted music on a web page... the only way to get additional fonts (as far as I know) is to edit your post in html mode, and use a bit of raw html coding to set the font.. lots of guides via google on how to do that

    4. PS. Google is your friend..

  2. It does not appear to me that you can get google fonts to appear in that drop down. You can use them by editing your template to place the styles into the header probably but that will probably affect all your pages. I think you might also be able to use them by directly coding in the html instead of composing.

  3. Not really good at this kind of stuff either, but I would just try out their available templates and choices. Use a test file so you can always go back to the original in case. Best, Dean

  4. I got what I'm using through a template then customized that template. It was trial and error mostly. Please don't do the music it can seriously slow the loading of your blog.

  5. Another vote for NO MUSIC.

    -- Jeff

  6. I've had problems in the past with websites that have music on their pages, where when you close the tab the music keeps playing and you have to restart the browser which can be very annoying. It's a fun idea: i can understand the appeal, I'm often addign youtube videos for music theme options at the end, but think just having the music automatically comes with too many problems.

    Ive wished for better font options too, but never saw a way to do it, and with how blogger is, every tweak of the code risks messing the whole thing up and not an ounce of tech support from Blogger, not that I have ever had anyway ;) will be interested to see if you find an easy font solution.

  7. Fonts are normally added at a global level in the overall style of your site. There are loads of different fonts that can be used for headings, body text, italic text etc. in the Styles area of your templates. I'm not sure you can do it for just one post

    I'd third the no auto-play music please. Not only is it mildly annoying, but it also forces people to download the extra data attached to the page.

  8. You can use word offline to edit blog Posts, I don´t because i like to Keep things simple. Music, you can add it if it´s hosted on I Player but it can suck the life out of most hardrives so I wouldn´t recommend it. Your blog Looks fine as it is

  9. I also vote for no music! Nothing worse than opening a site and music starts blaring out...particularly if you are looking in a time or place where you shouldn't be!

    I like simple and find your blog very easy to read so no fancy fonts either!. The only thing I have ever thought about your blog is that I find it a bit odd that the "about me" and "about the blog" sections are at the top of your page rather than in the sidebar. I click on the link to one of your post and then immediately have to start scrolling down rather than reading. It's a tiny, tiny irritation admittedly but I think about it every time I come to your blog!

  10. Thanks all for your replies! Looks like music gets the boot! ;-) No worries, thats cool, there seems to be many issues associated with it in a negative manner...

    Legatus - good point - its probably an archaic hang over from when I first started blogging, I didnt know what was meant to go where, so they went up there first, and ended up staying... I'll flick them to the sidebar or bottom...

  11. I like your thinking Scott for trying to create atmosphere with a post but unfortunately unable to help, as I am a bit of a dinosaur in that department.

  12. Late to the party but I'll give my 2¢. No music, it can be super annoying if you are trying to quietly read blogs without others knowing. Steve's link for adding fonts looks promising, I would also double check the style settings. If you only want to do it on certain posts then the added html way is the way to go.

  13. Coming late too but no music for me too (even if the sound of my computer is always off !)
    for the fonts, well if you make a change in the template, all your posts will be affected.
    Maybe it's possible to do for one post by using another font in word and then copy the text ... I've never tried...

    1. I've tried and it works !! (I think that it's like a picture for blogger ....)
      maybe I will try for other parts of the blog....
      (maybe a Private Test Blog should be a good solution for all the trails ?)

    2. Great tip, many thanks. I just tried it out and it worked. I'd never thought of trying that! Cool :-)

    3. That's cool for sure !
      Never tried before too ! So we have learned both something today !
      You know that you can find new fonts on the net ?

    4. The only thing you need to be careful about when using some of the more "interesting" fonts is how the various internet browsers "see" the font... example, Firefox doesn't like the Wingdings font which is a shame as I used to use Wingdings font capital J, K & L to do smiley faces... do a little test with any mates who have a selection of browsers before choosing.. the only "problem" with using Word as your editor, and I guess it isn't really a problem if you get the look you want, is that when you copy the Word content into your blogger post it brings in huge amounts of formatting type information from Word as well as the content, this s invisible to you unless you look at the post in the HTML window so like I say out of sight out of mind.. :o)


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