
Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Victorian Terrace #2 - WIP7 - Roof half tiled.

Just a very quick update picture today; I have managed to get one side of the roof finished in its cladding of card tile rectangles.

I made the roof base from the mounting card on Saturday night and started cladding Sunday, and have done a couple of hours or so each evening since then. So roughly half a week to get one side done.

At the beginning of the week I got my email from Andy and Wendy @ Westwind, that my Requiem pledge level will be shipping out shortly, so it has motivated me to keep pressing on with this, this week!

Of course, the crunch is going to come, once the figures arrive... do I keep on with terrain, or start painting the gorgeous figures!?... it's going to be a tough call...

So, can I get the other side done by the end of the week!?

Total build time so far - 1 month.


  1. Great work Scott, there is such fantastic detail on the building. I have worked out that I will do around 10 models before the long weekend, then when Jess goes away with the youngest I can burn the midnight oil doing done terrain. So I say mix it up.

  2. The building is looking fantastic Scott! I would probably get stuck into the figures!!

  3. Well, I really must insist that you plant some flowers around the house too, Scott :P

  4. Aww get cracking to get it finished then! I'd have to paint a set of figures then do a bit more on the building and so on. :D Otherwise you'll have loads of figures but nothing to play on

  5. Amazing work - your efforts are really paying off. Museum quality stuff. Best, Dean

  6. Looking great. I'd paint a few figures too. You need some variety in your life after all the work that's gone into the buildings.

  7. Coming along nicely. Beautiful craftsmanship on display.

  8. Great work, Scott. And being over in blighty at the moment, I can see where your inspiration has come from, and how well you're achieving the look ...

  9. Total build time one month so far? You are going at light speed there.

  10. My roof needs a bit of work mate. Based on what I've seen here you'd be a jolly sight more professional than the guys who do the "real thing". Busy this weekend?

    1. LOL ! Thanks Millsy ;-) Sadly I am a tad tied up this weekend - maybe next one? ;-)

  11. The roof really makes it. Superb work! Might do some work on my EotD figures as I actually have a clear weekend for once!

  12. Fantastic work Scott!

    I want to build an alternative roof for my Saxon church just like that, so I can fast forward to a few centuries. I hope it comes out as nicely!


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