
Monday, October 21, 2013

AliExpress and GW...

Just a quick follow up...

I had ordered a GW 40K Ork Ghazkull for my son's ork army through these guys a wee while ago...

At the end of last week I got an email from AliExpress stating my ordered had been cancelled, as the seller (Miranda Irene) had not shipped the goods within 7 days of order being placed...

I would receive a refund to my credit card with 7-10 days...

I have been asked to leave feedback...

I'll wait and see if my credit turns up before I spit the dummy...

Stay tuned!


  1. hmm wonder if they've had the legal letter

  2. I hope you get your money back Scott.

  3. I'm shocked that a seller of counterfit goods fron China turned out to not be reliable.

  4. Heck thats a first, i just got a whole bunch of plasma guns from them. I asked if they could be extra quick in getting them sent and the next day they sent them for me? Sorry it happened (as it was me who has suggested it it). Thats a first time, so far there have been no problems at all and we have placed many orders since my post on it.

    Just goes to show that some caution is still needed. Unfortunate

  5. Replies
    1. No worries, it was my choice - if they are reputable then hopefully the credit will come through - we'll see...

  6. As I think I mentioned earlier - I would love to order from this company, but my state, Washington, is not one of those allowed to "trade" with them. I did, however, find a Russian ebay vendor with some pretty good deals on Forge World stuff. Best, Dean

  7. Hope this turns out well, how much was the damage/price?

    1. About $25NZ... not a huge loss if it goes pear shaped, but frustrating none the less...

  8. There is always the possibility that they have a mold problem just with that character. I do hope everything gets sorted in your favor.

  9. I would not buy anything from Aliexpress. I had a very serious issue months ago. Someone stole my credit card number, I don´t know how, and made a Paypal account. Them that cherry guy bought items from Aliexpress for more than 300 euros. I tried to contact Aliexpress, to not avail. No way to contact them, and they never answered my emails to their only available email address. I was lucky that Paypal answered me and they managed to get my money back. No aliexpress for me, never.

    1. OK now that's concerning... I'll keep an eye on that, thanks for the heads up!

  10. The old adage? If it sounds too good to be true, maybe it is...
    Anyhow hope you get it sorted :)

    1. Maybe so yet others seems to have done well with them, so you just never know...
      Thanks :-)

  11. Just heard back from 'Miranda Irene' - they can still send out goods. We'll see if they arrive...


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