
Friday, October 11, 2013

Victorian Terrace #2 WIP6 - brick etching finished.

Having taken the last week of the school holidays off to spend some time with the kids, I have also found myself with a little hobby time here and there, as playdates were organised for the kids, and naff weather (typical school hols huh?) has kept me inside...

 A final cramming session today saw the brick etching finally finished on Victorian Terrace #2... Pics as below...

Not too bad for ~3½ weeks work!

So next job is to sort out the roof. I need to make a base lift off type structure as last time, using 'mounting card' - a thick card base used by picture framers. Its about 3mm thick card, and can be cut with a stanley-craft-type knife though it takes several passes against a steel rule. Once this in position, I can start cladding it with card tiles for the roof tile effect. This will be the most laborious part of the project (small inward groan!) ;-)

Wish me luck, and patience!


  1. Great work Scott. Looks just as fine as the first and in half the time! Are you going to light this one up as well?

    1. Thanks, I hope so!
      Yes, lights are waiting to get wired up, but I want to get roof sorted first. Finished the roof base tonight, now need to clad it...

  2. A proper labour of love, great results so far.

  3. Roof cladding takes a long time I feel for you.

    1. Started cladding yesterday, got about 6 rows on one side... this time I added some penciled on guide lines to follow first, rather than just doing it all by eye, which has made it a little easier, and slightly quicker...

  4. How you stay sane and do this is beyond me! The effort is certainly worth it though.

  5. Very well so far. That will make excellent terrain for your EotD stuff.


  6. That really is rather splendid Scott, well worth the effort in my humble opinion.

  7. Scott - you are truly tireless and your efforts are very impressive. I was waiting to see your Ork truck progress and instead see the marvelous "brick work" you've done here. Best, Dean

    1. Thanks. I have also made a little progress with the trukk parts, and have made a riveted gantry type thing for the wrecking ball upgrade. Had to order some model chain from local store to finish that part off. I have also be working on some extra heat-shielded exhausts to protrude from the sides of the engine compartment... I also have plans for a lower 'assault ramp' from the back deck... stay tuned for an update soon-ish...


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