
Thursday, September 26, 2013

Victorian Terrace #2 - Clay cladding finished - WIP5

Another quick post, just to show clay cladding finished now...

Not too bad for just inside two weeks work... next up brick pattern scoring/etching. Depending on weather, domestic duties and family fun, I may get this done over the weekend...

After that's done, its make the roof time...

In the meantime, one more London Thug to finish off and I have my Mob done too.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Liber Lexicum Dictata Novicius?

Remember this?

And these?

Well after Sundays game of 40K with No.1 Son, and relearning all the rules again, after about a year since the last game, but from my rulebook, which is from the rule incarnation one variant back from the current, my question is...

How much have the rules changed from the rules I got in the Black Reach set to the current rules?

Perhaps I am reaching out those friendly folk down at the KWC, or perhaps readers from BoLS?

Would any kind person care to fill me in on any rules changes I need to know about?... And at the end of the day, do I NEED to buy the new rules book?

As much as I'd like to play FoW or LOTR with my son, his interest is in 40K when it comes to rolling dice, so if I want game with him, and see him painting again, seems I have to commit to a certain amount of 40K time... ah well, ...I'll try and fit some terminators and marines in among everything else on the painting table! And give the guy pictured above some comrades...

Comments below greatly appreciated.


Sunday, September 22, 2013

Victorian Terrace #2, WIP4, half clayed...

Just another quick update picture - managed to get two facings and the fiddly rear yard areas clad with clay on Saturday afternoon...

Will hopefully get the rest clad today, Sunday, unless No.1 son can be prised off the computer for a game of something ... still pretty miserable weather here in NZ so no guilty feelings staying indoors having hobby time!

Quite pleased with progress so far, I've got to this point in a week...

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Victorian Terrace #2 WIP3 door details

Another quick post to show door details being added... card cut outs to give paneled door effect on main dwelling...

...and scored balsa for the rear gates and outbuilding doors and hatches, with some matchstick frames again...

Right its a wet Saturday here in NZ and... Emirates Team New Zealand has been struck down with bad luck... grump grump... off to clad some clay...

Friday, September 20, 2013

Victorian Terrace #2 WIP - windows

Just a quick update to show the matchstick window and door frames added.

The windows have also had their clear plastic window panes added - the glue will dry clear...

And the main doors have been blocked in with card for he next paneled layer to be added on top.

Little items of progress, bit by bit...

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Victorian Terrace #2 - WIP

Sunday night I drew out the pieces needed on 3mm MDF sheet for the next terrace, and got the main pieces cut out Monday night, and glued these together.

And then tonight I cut out the remaining smaller rear wall pieces and chimney widening pieces. Glued and clamped together.

Three nights work... not bad...

I learned the hard way with the first one about the warping caused by the DAS clay cladding, so decided to construct the whole thing this time first before applying the clay.

Next part will be the matchstick window frames, balsa rear yard gates, and other door and window details...

Talking of which, the astute among you may have noticed the larger windows... I decided this would be a slightly more upmarket section of terrace with larger windows, and thus paying for more window tax...

I kid you not; in the olden days households were taxed for the numbers and size of windows they had - consequently it's possible to find many old examples of bricked up windows in British buildings, to avoid paying extra taxes!

Right, while the above dries , back to painting figures...

Sunday, September 08, 2013

Victorian Terrace - Completed !

Well, its been a long time coming! I think I started this back in April, so that's been about 5 months off and on getting this made, the longest I think I have ever done on a single terrain piece.

I have learned a lot from the process; using MDF to make the structure, seeing how the darn stuff can warp, then how to fix that. Using DAS clay to add an etched brick surface, endless card tile cladding, and the wonders of electricity in the lighting rig.

 But I think the effort has been worth while... I just need to convince myself to start the next one now! I'll need several more to complete the city scene...

 But for now, I hope you enjoy the pictures...

LED Gaslamp

Victorian terrace

Rear yards ... I'd still like to add a bit more detritus...

Gable end ... I'd still like to add some ads and posters and such..

Street scenes...

Ripper Street?

Saved, in the nick of time...

Lady Luck, by Gaslamp...

Nocturnal shots

Sorry, hard to focus with the low light...
So that's one down , 4-5 more to go... oh well, at least its a start!

Saturday, September 07, 2013

Empire of the Dead - Civilians

I completed these figures a couple of weekends ago, but then came down a case of the lurgy... the usual 'man-flu', brought into our household as usual by our youngest, then passing to eldest and then wife, and then finally me... Thought I'd got through the winter season this year without an ailment but it wasn't to be.

So I had just about enough energy to get to work, get home, eat and go to bed, for the last week... I don't get time off work for sick unless I am literally 'dying'... hence I haven't had much output hobby-wise or blogging for a fortnight or so...

 Anyway, feeling a bit better now, though not 100%, managed to finish off my Victorian terrace building, just in time for Requiem figures to arrive. Painted it and wired in the Gaslamps today. More pics of that to follow in a subsequent blog post.

 But on with the figures. Three civilian figures that are rather characterful, two of which being mini-vignettes...

Organ grinder and monkey

Angry store keeper

Old man and his dog
All westwind figures from their Vampires wars range.

This just leaves the 8 figure 'London Thugs' that will make up my 'Mob'...