
Saturday, September 07, 2013

Empire of the Dead - Civilians

I completed these figures a couple of weekends ago, but then came down a case of the lurgy... the usual 'man-flu', brought into our household as usual by our youngest, then passing to eldest and then wife, and then finally me... Thought I'd got through the winter season this year without an ailment but it wasn't to be.

So I had just about enough energy to get to work, get home, eat and go to bed, for the last week... I don't get time off work for sick unless I am literally 'dying'... hence I haven't had much output hobby-wise or blogging for a fortnight or so...

 Anyway, feeling a bit better now, though not 100%, managed to finish off my Victorian terrace building, just in time for Requiem figures to arrive. Painted it and wired in the Gaslamps today. More pics of that to follow in a subsequent blog post.

 But on with the figures. Three civilian figures that are rather characterful, two of which being mini-vignettes...

Organ grinder and monkey

Angry store keeper

Old man and his dog
All westwind figures from their Vampires wars range.

This just leaves the 8 figure 'London Thugs' that will make up my 'Mob'...


  1. All three look the business but yes the Organ Grinder trumps the other two


  2. Love these. Are the Requiem figures imminent? I thought that they were still months away!

  3. Great brushwork as always. Can't wait to get some gaming in with EotD. I'm trying to keep the painting table clear while keeping one eye on the mailbox for my Lycaons.

  4. Love the hurdy-gurdy grinder.

    Rather worrying that a pharmacist can't take sick leave, though!

    1. Small company out in the wopwops, locums are hard to come by at short notice and if the boss is busy, I'm all there is...

  5. Nice work Scott. We don't have any regular citizens which keeps us from playing Blissful Ignorance. Perhaps we will use some goblins or hobbits if we play that scenario. Looking forward to seeing what you do with the requiem models.

  6. Excellent work there Scott! You have to watch that "man flu". Lots of rest near the painting desk. Maybe sit down and watch a few war DVDs!!

  7. Nice work Scott, love the Monkey and Organ Grinder!

  8. Very nice ! The dog and the organ grinder are my favorites.

  9. Very nice figures. I gotta go with the organ grinder as my favorite.

  10. Very nice Scott. Your certainly building up your collection the man with the dog is great.

  11. You can never have enough civilians especially well painted ones!

  12. Nice, you got a monkey! Every one should have a monkey!

    Great work Scott, man you really need to move to Arizona so we can game! Or maybe I should move down there, hmm that could work! Lol

  13. Wonderful characters. Love the organ grinder/monkey and dog. Best, Dean

  14. These are my favorite figures from the West Wind civilians set. Your painting has really brought out their character,

  15. Very nice civilians. They'll enliven your Victorian London perfectly.


  16. Thanks, ... a mix of GW, vallejo and Foundry


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