
Sunday, September 22, 2013

Victorian Terrace #2, WIP4, half clayed...

Just another quick update picture - managed to get two facings and the fiddly rear yard areas clad with clay on Saturday afternoon...

Will hopefully get the rest clad today, Sunday, unless No.1 son can be prised off the computer for a game of something ... still pretty miserable weather here in NZ so no guilty feelings staying indoors having hobby time!

Quite pleased with progress so far, I've got to this point in a week...


  1. Great quick updates, like the choices. Do the building or play a game. That's a no loose option there


    1. Thanks :-) Must admit didnt get much done on Sunday - had a very minor structural fail as one building join became loose while clay cladding. Had to re-glue, and allow to dry. Hope to press on tonight...

      In meantime, ended up with a small game of 40K with son, at his request - somewhat unexpected, not my fave, but it got him rolling dice, rather than staring at the screen :-)

  2. You'll soon have London built in no time then!

  3. Looking good. And I agree with Ian the short and sweet posts work well.

  4. Looking good, Scott. Enjoy the "weather" with the hobby. Best, Dean

    1. LOL, bad weather is certainly good for hobby output!

  5. I'm loving the pace of this project at this rate I'll see another completed building in a matter of weeks!

  6. You never cease to impress me with your terrain building skills Scott. I just don't have the patience as I'm always wanting to paint figures (thus why I always buy commercial stuff). Bravo to you! You must have access to a decent amount of storage for your impressive collection of models - an apartment dweller needs to seriously think about 6mm as a game scale!

    1. Thanks Curt! I know what you mean... I tend to do terrain work at the weekends when theres more time, and use weekday evenings for painting figures. Plus there are times when having worked on terrain, you simply have to wait till the glue dries, which when using PVA can mean over night, so once something is gluing and clamped, again I am back to figures. So I guess I try and mix it up and keep busy with both aspects of the hobby work.

      As previously mentioned, I am fortunate to have a games room with storage so, for the time being, I am OK... but even that is finite!

  7. Coming along nicely..have you come up with a suitably Victorian street name for these?

    1. Ha, now theres something I hadnt thought about yet. Hmmm maybe an excuse to run a poll on the blog to get you guys to pick suitable names!

  8. It seems to become as nice the first one.
    Good luck further on!



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