
Sunday, September 08, 2013

Victorian Terrace - Completed !

Well, its been a long time coming! I think I started this back in April, so that's been about 5 months off and on getting this made, the longest I think I have ever done on a single terrain piece.

I have learned a lot from the process; using MDF to make the structure, seeing how the darn stuff can warp, then how to fix that. Using DAS clay to add an etched brick surface, endless card tile cladding, and the wonders of electricity in the lighting rig.

 But I think the effort has been worth while... I just need to convince myself to start the next one now! I'll need several more to complete the city scene...

 But for now, I hope you enjoy the pictures...

LED Gaslamp

Victorian terrace

Rear yards ... I'd still like to add a bit more detritus...

Gable end ... I'd still like to add some ads and posters and such..

Street scenes...

Ripper Street?

Saved, in the nick of time...

Lady Luck, by Gaslamp...

Nocturnal shots

Sorry, hard to focus with the low light...
So that's one down , 4-5 more to go... oh well, at least its a start!


  1. A lot of work but the end result is superb(and unique). 10/10

  2. Scott, that is sheer genius. Persistence pays off!

  3. Remember you won't have the learning curve on the next ones but the result is fantastic. Got to love the gas lamp


  4. Outstanding! I'm quite in awe of your modelling skills. Will my werewolves be allowed inside, or are they banished to the backyard? :-)

  5. Stunning work there Scott! Fantastic result I think and well worth the effort!

  6. Brilliant Scott it looks marvellous if the next few match this one it will just be simply amazing!

  7. Wow. That is a great building. I love all the detail.

  8. All your work panned out very nice Scott!


  9. Very lovely work, Scott. Your terrain work, as well as your figures, are impressive. Best, Dean

  10. Beautiful work Scott, not far to go now!

  11. Looks great. I agree re some advertising posters on the gable end.

  12. Looking great, like the street lamps and brick colour.

  13. Beautiful !!
    I like it!
    the pictures with the figures are an amazing addition.

    Like you said, the backyards need some stuff to make them more real ...

  14. IT looks great Scott! The painting of the brick work is very realistic.

  15. Very impressive, Scott. Looks really just like I imagine a London East End building should look.

  16. That is amazing work there and it looks jolly effective

  17. Top banana old bean. I do like the curtains! Maybe you should try something a little less challenging next like St Paul's or Parliament.

  18. Superb stuff Scott. I have been working lots of hours lately with no hobbies and gaming, but this truly warms my heart. Such endeavour and persistence against overwhelming odds and a fantastic centrepiece to show for it. An inspiration.

  19. Thanks all for your kind comments, it really is much appreciated! :-) With this kind of support I'll have to press on with the next ones!

  20. Just spotted this. I am in awe of your focus and patience on this but the results are well worth it. The gas lamps are inspired!

    1. Many thanks :-)
      I just cut out and glued together the 4 walls for terrace #2... its a start...


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