
Sunday, June 09, 2013

Victorian terrace - WIP 11 - Lights at Night...

In the prior post you saw a quick video of the lights after first being rigged up... I was, as you can imagine, quite thrilled I'd got them all working and in position. Afterall, it has been over 25 years since I last played about with basic electronic circuits, in my school days. But the one thing I could remember was Ohms Law, which in my head was V=IR. Thankfully as well, I found several helpful pages on the internet.
This was particularly helpful...

 However looking at the lights twinkling in the building again, I realised a lot of the lighting effect was too 'direct'.

The LEDs give the majority of their lighting directly straight out the 'top' of the LED, with little from a sideways view.

So this morning, I slightly bent back the LEDs so they were not pointing directly out the windows. This time the lighting is far more subtle, giving more a background glow to the windows, which was the effect I was after.

You can see the effect quite nicely in the dark...

Now I am happy to press on with the roof and painting...

A couple of quick pics for Monty... the internal rigging... not pretty but you don't see it from the outside ...

view from the underside

view from the top


  1. Now you can play your EotD games in the dark. That would be atmospheric!

    1. That was the idea, or at least, semi gloom... because in the game, you have to roll for whether the action takes place during the day or night, the difference being reduced LOS for shooting in the dark but better chances to hide and take cover and move whilst concealed, and the supernatural creatures in the game are at full strength during darkness, less so during the day...

  2. Glad it's all working well, Scott. Only a few dozen more buildings to go and you'll have a town!

    Don't forget lamposts...

    1. Thanks again for your tips and help!

      Yes I am very pleased the way it has turned out.

      More buildings are certainly planned, and its just as well the kickstarter has been delayed in its roll out of figures as it will give me more time to get more buildings made...

      I had thought about Gaslamp street lights, but wasn't sure how to keep them free standing and with enough space in the base to conceal a battery, unless of course using one of the tiny watch/hearing aid batteries might work?

      It would be easy if the board was to be entirely static, but I like the idea of being able to move the buildings about for differing set ups...

    2. What about building 1' or 2' lengths of cobbled street with sidewalks built up on the side and having the gaslights connected to a battery underneath? Is that doable?

    3. I guess anything is possible Nate, its just figuring it out in a modular fashion...

    4. ...Atually , just hjad a thought, what might work better could be to attach the pavement layer around each building, with gaslights attached to that, and wired underneath to house lighting circuit... then building, its pathway and gaslamps would be all one piece and modular in that way to place down anywhere onto a cobbled board.

      Thats going to be the killer... doing a 4' x 4' board all skimmed in plaster and a cobblestone pattern dremel etched across the whole thing...

  3. very nice house ! the light effect is amazing !

  4. Excellent well done... it looks a little like the house is on fire...?! :o)

    1. LOL yeah I know what you mean ;-) My wife mentioned the same, but she still likes it. In fact she wants it at Christmas time, I think she plans some kind of Victorian nativity scene - I will of course add vampires and werewolves as appropriate... ;-)

  5. Superb job Scott. Like the idea of playing the gloom just make sure the dice box is in full illumination in case any tomfoolery goes on

  6. That looks brilliant Scott, really atmospheric.

  7. Werewolf nativity sounds cool!
    I've forgotten the link however if you look on Amazon or google and search for icing rollers I'm sure they do a cobbled one that may work for your board idea (my wife does cakes and borrowed one recently which instantly got me thinking).
    Love the twinkly video as well mate.

    1. Icing roller! Fascinating - I never knew such things existed... you may have just saved me a lot of work!


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