
Monday, June 10, 2013

Typhoon Fighter Bomber - FoW, and decalled British Vehicles...

In between, weekend activity work on my Victorian Terrace house, I have been steadily working away at other model painting...

 I recently finished my Typhoon Fighter Bomber for my British FoW forces, primarily aimed at accompanying my XXX Corp Guards Armoured force for Market Garden, though also useful for D-Day service, especially with it sporting the Allied Invasion stripes, and for the remainder of the allied North West European theatre of action...

I did paint one up some time ago for our Hit the Beach scenario, that we demo-ed at the Kapiti Wargames Club last year...

However, that was for my mate Paul, as part of our groups planes swaps, after the FoW V3 rules changed how they handled planes in the game...

So after a long time, I finally got round to doing one for myself...

The typhoon in action...firing rockets... exciting stuff, you almost feel sorry for the Germans on the receiving end!

After getting a set of Allied Recognition marking decals for my British that I recently used on the British recce Stuarts and UCs, I set to marking up the rest of my British vehicles... and so it only seems right to feature the Typhoon, alongside JOE Vandeleur and his Forward Air observer...



Humber LRCs...


M3 half tracks... I got these to tow my two 17pdrs...

Lloyd carriers... for towing my 6pdrs...

...and a command UC for the AT gun platoon, whether 17pdrs or 6pdrs...

I will probably get round to adding some divisional markings at another time... I did also re-matt-varnish the older vehicles; Half tracks, Lloyds and UC as these had been done originally several years ago, (you can probably tell by the different shade of green, though I think they still look fine). The re-varnishing was done as they had originally been 'matt' varnished with GWs purity seal, which gave mixed results back then at best, and I have since switched to the brush on vallejo matt, which is far superior...


  1. Beautiful stuff Scott. That Typhoon is particularly fine. Well done!

  2. Those are some nice looking models. Great work.

  3. Very nice Scott.

  4. Great work! The Typhoon is fantastic.

  5. Your typhoon looks really nice man :). I'm a sucker for ww2 planes. What colors did you use for the camo? They blend in nicely.

    1. Many thanks. I used the BF recommended colours; vallejo bronze green and london grey for the top surface of plane, and sky grey for the bottom.

    2. Thanks for sharing Scott :)

  6. That is a tremendous job on the Typhoon, always one of my favourites.

  7. Excellent looking models, really like the Typhoon Scott!!

  8. Great looking vehicles, love the Typhoon very inspirational misuc to that video.

  9. Thanks all guys, much appreciated. Yeah the Typhoon is beauty, one of my fave planes of the era, simply for its rocket firing ability... so exciting, and its not too shabby in the game either :-)

  10. Nice work on all of these, Scott. That Typhoon really looks great - the mass quantities of rockets are impressive. Best, Dean

  11. You have a superb collection there Scott and the Typhoon looks very professionally done.

  12. Nice Typhoon. The other stuff is cool as well. The Typhoon should hopefully lay down some excellent air strikes on those German big cats.


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