
Saturday, June 08, 2013

Victorian Terrace - WIP10 - ... and there was light!

OK, managed to get the lights rigged up inside the house as well today. As it turned out the straightening pieces of MDF I had to fix earlier to the insides of the walls to correct the warping, turned out to be the perfect place to attach the internal lighting circuit too, simply hot-glued  into position...

I hope this upload works... here's a quick video of the twinkling light effect...

So next on with the roof tiles, then painting...


  1. That's really cool and enlightening!

    1. Thanks, that was for you Fran! I'll try it again once its all painted up.

  2. Great circumnavigation of the table Scott. The light effect is very cool!

    1. LOL, thanks Rodger... I pinched my daughters Ipod... I am not terribly up on these new fangled devices, ... I was just trying to keep the screen fromm wobbling about too much!

  3. Scott,

    Nice work man, I am loving this project. I have been wanting to do lights for a long time, but just have never gotten around to it. Keep up the grat work man.

  4. Hows good does that look! You posh git! very much like Gas lighting would be Imagine as well.


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