
Friday, March 13, 2015

RIP - Sir Terry Pratchett

It was with some regret that when I got up this morning and flicked on my Facebook feed, the first thing I saw was the news of the passing of Terry.

Such a shame, though I understand he had been suffering with Alzheimer's Disease for some time...

I first started reading his novels as a teenager back in the 80's... and just loved the Diskworld setting and characters therein...

His wit and sarcasm were wonderful and his parallels to modern living were priceless observations...

...simple things like a cart getting clamped in an alleyway... or some top hero getting equipped, having heard a fight break out in the bar below, only to topple over with the weight of all the weapons he'd just strapped on, wonderfully lampooning all those classic action movies...

...there's so many more moments spring to mind but I'd spend all day writing them all down...

But the book I enjoyed the most... and cannot help laugh out loud each time I pick it up, is the book he co-wrote with Neil Gaiman; Good Omens...

...which if you haven't read it, is a brilliant send up of the Omen series of movies and the Apocalypse in general... Simply excellent.

You will be sorely missed Sir!

I think it may well be time to start re-reading this classic series of works...



  1. Very nice Scott. I really enjoyed Good Omens as well. Every time I think of the name Sister Mary Loquacious of the Chattering Order is makes me giggle.

  2. It really was sad to hear him go. Still I guess everyone has to go sometime. I've had some great times with his work especially as a teenager.

    1. Yeah my teenage years was where it all started... after a mate of mine said, you've got to read this... I never looked back...

  3. Thanks for this hommage, I made one on my blog (in french).

    Rest in peace sir Terry Pratchett

    1. Thanks for the comment... its good to know his humour translated across to other languages too...

  4. Good omens is also my favourite, It's by far and ways the funniest book that I have ever read, possibly followed by Guards Guards! love the idea that the M25 is a satanic rune and the anti Christ is called adam and has a Jack russell hell hound.
    Good times! Maybe it is time to re-read and raise a toast!

    1. Exactly that Ste, exactly that... the scene with 'talking to pot plants' also is wonderful, but my favourite one probably begins with "She rode a red motorcycle..." just awesome characterisations and scenes...

  5. I have dozens of his books... May he rest in peace.

  6. Most of my friends, including a lot of women, really enjoyed his books but I just couldn't get on with them (for the same reason I didn't like George MacDonald Fraser's The Pyrates).. I tried several times but I like my fantasy (which I don't very much anyway) to be "realistic" if you see what I mean!

    He lived in the same village as my sister in law and I had a chat with him once. A very nice man indeed!

    1. I'm sure his humor is not to everyone's taste... I tried to get both my wife and father to try them , but they just couldn't get into them...principally because neither were in the fantasy genre in general...


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