
Thursday, March 12, 2015

Riders of Rohan... and the 'Gallop' to the Challenge finish...

As the Painting Challenge draws to a close, there is a frantic rush to get models completed, that have undergone work over the last couple of months...

As has been previously posted, a 'Turkish Invasion' has scuppered some of my originally planned painting output for the challenge... but when a hiccup occurred in the arrival of Turkish reinforcements... it allowed a few days where I could get back to 'my own stuff', and I am happy to have found the time to complete 12 more Riders of Rohan, to add to my growing planned all mounted Rohan force...

I have always liked these models, and they are looking even better en-masse... I usually go with white socks or stockings as they are known for the horses lower legs as this gives a good contrast to the brown... but this time I decided to use much darker tones for a change (dark grey over a black base), as I have seen many horses with darker socks and stockings too... so these will add a bit variety over my overall force...

So that brings my mounted Rohan force up to 24 Riders of Rohan and 6 Royal Guard. But I only have Eomer and Theodred mounted to lead them all, so I am going to have to get a mounted captain done too...

My local Painting Challenge compatriot; Ste, has been getting a load of orcs and uruks done too, as part of his Painting Challenge entries, so we are going to have to have a post Challenge battle and get these forces in the game!

Expect more shoot and scoot tactics from these mobile troops, and once the enemy is at a manageable size, ride in to finish them off... just need to be cautious of any sneaky 'dismounting' spells and abilities...

Back to the Challenge, and these 12 Riders netted me 120 points to add to my total.

The end of the Challenge is in sight and the race to the finish has begun... The Turkish reinforcements finally showed up so I'll need to get these guys done in time to earn a few more challenge points...


  1. Lovely job once again Scott - Eomer would be proud to lead them himself I'm sure!

  2. My favourite LotR minis, too. They look fantastic, great paint job!

  3. Nice work Scott. I'm liking the bases.

  4. Impressive as always, Scott.

  5. Really nice job on these.

  6. Wonderful, just wonderful mate. The basing is spot on too.

  7. These look wonderful Scott I like the flowers on the bases too.

  8. Wow! they look great! Even better when you have that many together!

  9. Lovely work there Scott! The basing is fantastic!

  10. I love Rohan; I love these.

  11. Excellent work Scott! Nice to see some more LOTR again

  12. My favourites too but they are a lot of work! Your are just ace!

  13. The Rohan riders look fantastic!
    The highlights are perfect.
    Really nice job Scott.

  14. These look great! A nice balance between a uniform look and individuality, which isn't always easy with several figures in the same pose.

  15. Scott your Rohan forces lookin great :)

  16. Absolutely beautiful models, Scott! Keep up the good work!


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