
Thursday, November 13, 2014

Rohan Royal Guard...

.... Charge!

Well it took me a little while to get these guys completely finished, but here they finally are. Six hard charging Rohan Royal Guard with Throwing Spears.

I have used my mounted Rohan force a few times in small skirmishes against their traditional Uruk foes, but they have often come off second best. The reality gradually dawned on me that the Riders of Rohan are not hard charging knights, they are more like light horse - the give away is they're all bow equipped...

So don't be fooled by the 'Red Dawn - Death' charge in RotK, these troops really need to be using light cavalry tactics to survive, that means shooting and using movement and maneuver.... to weaken the foe before charging in...

So if you're a Rohan player and you really want to get stuck in, especially protecting your Lord, The Royal Guard are the way to go. F4 and D6 are a significant improvement over the regular Riders, and a throwing spear , whilst somewhat nerfed in the new Hobbit rules due to move and shoot penalty, is still an extra string to their bow, so to speak. You just need one spear to hit home solidly on the charge and there may then be a gap in the enemy line your charges can exploit...

These troops have had their first outting already and I am pleased to say they acquitted themselves rather well, and did not become struck down by the curse of the newly painted figure!

Looking forward to getting them on the table again and more orcs trampled under their hooves!


  1. Lovely Royal Guard there Scott and I agree they are a must for Rohan players.

  2. Excellent work, Scott !
    Especially the horses turned out great. Much better than my horses usually do...

  3. Stonkingly good cavalry. Lovely detail on the cloaks with the yellow piping. I really like how you've done the bases too. Clearly a lot of effort has gone into these models and its really produced results. Great stuff.

  4. Excellent. I particularly like the cloaks with the edging.

  5. Very nice, sir. I like these a lot and they look great!

    -- Jeff

  6. These are some beautiful examples of royal guard, thanks for sharing!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. The Riders of Rohan are some of my favourite LoTR figures, but I had not seen these. Very very nice.


  9. .............but my god $13.25US each!

    1. Yeah I know..., I got them from UK @ £8.20 each, if I bought local they would have been NZ$26 each...! Such is the price of gaming in MiddleEarth... :-(

    2. Hence my continuing sell off of hobby stuff I am just not getting round to playing/painting...

    3. Still, stuff does come up on ebay and trademe...

  10. Some of your nicest work to date Scott. The shields are absolutely beautiful mate.

  11. Thanks all guys for your kind comments, much appreciated :)

    1. Absolutely superb painting Mr Bowman! Where do you get the little flowers?

    2. Thanks Darcy, these ones are from Tajima Tufts, I used Heather Mix and Flowers...

  12. Excellent work. They look fantastic.

  13. Wonderful painting and basing, Scott. They look great!

  14. Lovely work Scott. These are some of my faves out of the Rohan range and your paintjob has done them proud.

  15. Amazing detail :D
    I always love to "give an eye" at your blogs Scott.
    I don't know, but somehow you bring everything I've always loved in this game into it!

  16. Rohan Royal Guards looks Great. Amazing paintjob Scott.


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