
Saturday, November 15, 2014

It's that time of year again...

... and summer is just around the corner here, so that means its Curt's Annual Analogue Hobbies Winter Painting Challenge!

I must admit, this year I feel rather pumped for it, and feel I have my painting mojo well and truly back :)

Since the switch back to LOTR as my primary gaming interest, my paintbrushes haven't stopped working. And of course the current Hobbit movies are enthusing my interest in the period even more...

I have had a massive sell off this year, and continue to do so... getting rid of models and rules that I am no longer interested in playing or pursuing any further... these funds have liberated LOTR figures to fill gaps in my collections and further add to my LOTR forces...

Unlike most games where you decide, OK I'll play that game and I'll collect that army for it... LOTR has me well and truly by the short and curlies and that means I want everything for it! And its a fairly pricey product range to boot, thanks to GW pricing, hence the sell off! My favorite UK based suppliers have been helping out with supplies alongside and in addition to a friendly network or 'spies, agents and collaborators'! You know who you are and have my heart felt thanks, with Facebook tradegroups often coming to the rescue for those hard to find discontinued models...

So with good ol' Curt continuing to widen the allowed figures for the painting challenge, I'm raring to go to get a load more LOTR stuff painted, much of which has sat trimmed and undercoated for some years now, from back when I was going to build armies for WOTR, and try out the rules with these prep'd and based figures...

So these have been pulled out of the 'lead pile' and placed alongside more recently trimmed and prep'd figures...

Trimmed , Prep'd and undercoated

So I have, ready to go 24 Corsairs, 24 Morannon Orcs, 24 Dwarf Warriors, 12 Riders of Rohan, 6 Knights of Gondor and 22 Army of the dead inc. Banner and King!
Corsairs, Morannons and Dwarfs

If I get this lot done in the allotted time I'll impress myself! This is probably beyond my abilities in the time available but I'll give it a red hot shot, and see how far I get.

Army of the Dead

Riders of Rohan

Knights of Gondor
So raring to go here and I wish to extend the best of luck to my fellow competitiors!


  1. Good luck with the challenge Scott, I look forward to watching your progress.

  2. With all those models, do I forsee a return of WOTR, or is that well and truely dead?

    1. Hey Dan, I am unsure about WOTR... whilst I genuinely liked the look of it, and like the idea of mass battles for MiddleEarth, there were several issues with the WOTR rules I wasnt too happy with... I believe there are a number of fan-based mods now that may have addressed some of the issues... I am also keen to try the Hail Caesar Fantasy variant out some time...

      I believe Andrew and some of the guys at Wellington Warlords were going to have a crack at WOTR today, but I havent checked in with them yet to see how it went...

      The other side of the coin of course is REALLY big SBG battles!!! :-)

  3. I wish you luck sir and will enjoy the progress through the challenge. (Maybe I should get back into LOTR as well!)

  4. Good luck Scott! No sun tan this year for you!

  5. Good luck and I'm really looking forward to seeing your postings as the Challenge progresses. Those are some fine looking units in the making you have there.

  6. Tremendous; that lot should keep you busy! I have a soft spot for LotR miniatures as they were responsible for getting stated in this hobby with the first releases. Somewhere in the loft will be my fledgling efforts, so to see them in your skilful hands is a real treat.

  7. Looks a good crop to be working on and hope you blast your way through


  8. With all my painting and modelling gear (and mountain of lead) in storage back in oz, I am obliged to bow out this year but I shall be witching with great interest from the sidelines. Lucky for all the other competitors that there is no category for terrain entries!

  9. Get working Scott! Looking forward to the results, which I am very confident will be top notch! Interesting comments about being hooked on LotR. After many years of different periods I've found my hook in 20mm modern which for the past year has been my main focus and will continue to be so for a while yet. 20mm modern was not a period I would given a second glance a few years back. Good luck!

    1. I think we each have that core area that just rings our bell, but are also affected by the 'shiny' and 'magpie' syndromes... perhaps a little focus is required every now and then... otherwise credit cards rebel! ;-)

  10. I admire your sense of purpose and ability to focus Scott. Sadly I suffer from the magpie syndrome...ooohh aaah those shiny new figs from Empress or Foundry or whoever look good, I must have them.
    In my defence I have been working exclusively on Steampunk and Vic Sci Fi for a while....I'll ride the wave for as long as it lasts.

    1. I too used to be very Magpie like, but I am consciously trying to narrow that focus now...

  11. I'm sure that you will finish all that stuff in time for the challenge !
    and we will have the pleasure to see more and more LoTR figures !

  12. Good luck to you Scott. You got lots of prep underway. I need to get back to the assembly line.

  13. Good luck with the painting challenge. I'm really looking forward to seeing your results in the challenge.



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