
Tuesday, August 12, 2014

"They have a Cave Troll..."

Brute strength and bad attitude, the humble Cave troll... wielding a scavenged dwarven heavy spear, or trident, most probably designed to try and deal with these huge beasts... and flailing its chain lash in front...

The model was actually part of a bulk figure haul I picked up some years ago... but it was in a poor state... its a plastic kit and had noticeable gaps in the joints, the plastic chain was hanging on by a 'thread', the trident was missing a prong, the back end of the spear shaft looked like something had chewed it, and it had no base... As I already had a metal painted up cave troll, I was in no hurry to do anything with it, so it languished in the bitz-box, unloved...

But with recent success using the Instant Mold, on the gyrocopter repair... I thought I'd dig it out and and see what I could do...

So I took a mold of the good side of the trident head, and cast up the prong with some Milliput... and filed it and glued it into place...

I had also sourced some model chain from local store, some time ago... one of those things you think will come in handy... for 'something' someday... well it found its use on this... I trimmed away the busted plastic chain and replaced it with the model chain... Greenstuff to fill the gaps and a new base, and we're ready for paint...

Painting was fairly straight forward, only a few colours to worry about... some shade wash and drybrushing and a little detail work, and job done... Simple base detail to reflect its rocky mountainous home...

So I have another Cave troll, to add to my Moria or Angmar forces... 80 points of brutish nastiness...

Cave trolls have decent Fight and good Strength and Defence and 3 attacks and wounds... but no Might, Will or Fate... in past scraps using one cave troll, they invariable get immobilised by some dratted spellcaster and then chopped up by a plucky hero, shot up by a barrage of archery or just mobbed by troop numbers...

Now that I have two, that hopefully will mean that while the enemy deals with one, the other can cause some mischief...

I sincerely hope so... plus if combined with some Might wielding heroes, then some Heroic moves and Heroic combats may be the order of the day,... and those new Monster Brutal power attacks my get a use after all :-)

A top down view just to show the cast trident prong... not perfect but pretty darn close and you probably wouldn't have noticed it if I hadn't owned up on it!?

Looking forward to squashing a few men, elves and dwarves with this big fella, just so long as the sun don't shine, otherwise he might be needing some of that factor 1000 sunblock! ;-)


  1. Nice work Scott. And you are right I would not have noticed the difference in the trident prongs!

  2. Every credit your work has produced an amazing result!

  3. Excellent example of salvaging a wreck to a brand new figure. Looks excellent.

  4. Excellent work for those poor Troll !

    1. Thanks - nice to see him back on his feet in a worthwhile manner :)

  5. Can't beat a cave troll. I made the metal one so didn't get the plastic version. Just a GW ploy to get you to buy more of their overpriced Greenstuff! Well salvaged!

    1. I know! I wouldnt have bought this on its own, but it came with a load of other stuff, so it was kinda a freebie ... Yep, now I've got 2 cave trolls ;-) I'd still like to get the one with the two-handed hammer pose too eventually, to complete the set, as it were...

  6. Very good! I wouldn't have noticed the cast trident prog because I don't see any differences! It is perfect!

  7. Excellent recover work Scott! Great result!

  8. Nice little conversion and an excellent paintjob.


  9. There is nothing like the satisfaction of rehabilitating a damaged model well done on this one. You are getting good at the instant mold thing.

    1. Yes, I know what you mean, I get a bit of a kick out of fixing up a busted model... Thanks :)

  10. excellent repair job Scott. I didn't even notice until you pointed it out.

    and yes, 2 trolls is the way to go. one troll just gets shot up (or immobolized), but I've found that with two, opponents often get so confuzzled about which one to deal with that both end up causing mayhem. ;)

    1. Thanks :) Yes that's just what I was thinking, and perhaps leading them with Bhurdur, backed up by a banner and some spears... should make a nice little mess?

  11. Excellent recovery on that beast! He looks great!


  12. Blimey you have some nasty ideas about the use of trolls Scott!
    I have to say you've made a mediocre plastic look really good, especially considering the damage! I think some of the plastics that GW released in the boxes have been really poor in terms of detail. I know It's a pipe dream but I really hope the Perrys get involved again with the setting now that they're officially free from the shackles of GW management!

  13. You've done a bang up job repairing him mate. Lovely work!


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