
Monday, August 11, 2014

"Riders of Rohan... Oaths you have taken...

...Fulfill them all ... to Lord and Land!"

Stirring stuff!

I really love the Riders of Rohan, wonderful models and I always hoped to field them en-masse as per the movie...

The thunder of hooves always gets the blood pumping!

I painted 6 many moons ago, and now I have another six to swell their ranks, and complete my first warband of 12.  Thus far I only have Theodred painted to lead them...I have another 4 boxes to go, and Theoden, Eomer and Erkenbrand and Gamling with the Royal banner to assemble and paint...

I am still plodding on with the Fellowship Journey book saga, and the Causeway board is now fully assembled, with lights fitted, just needs painting now... but I can't help look forward to the wider campaign as it unfolds in the Two Towers Journey book, hence getting some Rohan troops painted up...

The Riders of Rohan, other than the mounted Royal Guard, are essentially light cavalry, equipped with sword, spear and bow. They have a medium level of armour protection. These are not heavily armoured knights. "Tanks", they are not! Their use and role I think should reflect that; use speed and maneuverability, harass the enemy , shoot him down, use hit and run tactics, and chase down the weaker or scattered troops.

The trouble is we see their glorious desperate changes en-masse in the movies at Helms Deep and the Pelennor where they mow down the orc soldiery.... but played out in the game like this, I have found reality has often seen them, pulled from their horses and cut down, after the initial charge, when they have been used this way... so I think a more subtle use and role may be better served...

I look forward to trying this warband out soon...


  1. Lovely work Scott. My favourite characters from the book and film.

  2. Love a bit of Rohan, nice stuff too

  3. Is it me or is your figure painting getting better and better? Riders of Rohan are my favourites too but I only have six painted!

    1. You are too kind Sir! :-) I certainly hope to get round to getting more done... I think I need at least 18 for the TT scenarios... so thats another 6 for starters!

  4. Excellent figures - well painted as always and fluid movement.

  5. Good Job Scott!

    Every time you're improving your technique, congratulations!

  6. They are indeed beautifully done Scott. Great work on them all mate!

  7. Very well done! Riders of Rohan charges are how you feed your orcs don't cha know.

  8. Meat on the hoof and all that.

  9. Splendid horse flesh on show here Scott, lovely work and the cavalry charges were certainly some of my favourite scenes - stirring stuff in deed.

    1. Thanks Michael... there's nothing more exciting in hastoric warfare, than the cavalry charge... shame modern warfare and machine guns put an end to it...

  10. Nice one Scott. You've got that green spot on.

    1. Thanks Millsy - I used Foundry 28 Phlegm Green

  11. Superb looking Riders and Horses.
    Yep, gets the blood pumping.

  12. Excellent paintjob, Scott. Well done !


  13. Stirring stuff indeed. About a year ago I touched up a dozen of these that my son had painted about 8 years ago. Lovely models.


    1. Thanks John, they are great models, can't wait to get a load more painted up...

  14. Thanks Ed, they are great models :)

  15. I wish I could bash mine out as easily and as good looking as that. Unfortunately your description of their use is spot on, it's very difficult to replicate that charge with any level of success, however I'll soldier on with mine!

  16. Wow, those are terrific! They're perfectly painted.


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