
Monday, April 28, 2014

I've come for my boy...

Grrr... better late than never!

OK here's my entry fee submission for Curt, for the 4th annual painting challenge...

I'm rarely on time with these thing, but at least I keep my word!

I decided to go with a generic sandy base, to allow Curt to better match him up with the rest of his collection as required.

I tried photographing against a sandy background but camera seemed then have difficulty getting colour balance right - all shots came out too dark. Put him on green grass and all's well.

Oh, if I recall correctly he's a 28mm scale from Artizan... I think?

He'll be winging his way from NZ to Canada over the next few days...

Thanks again Curt and sorry for the delay.



  1. I am late with mine too, having painted it in plenty of time, oh well


  2. You have done a cracking good job on this dude Scott!

  3. and excellent painting work like always !
    a nice present !

  4. Great looking gunman, Scott. Always impressive!

  5. Better late than never! Turned out quite nicely too

  6. Great work Scott! I'm sure Curt will love it!

  7. Lovely job Scott and if it's any consolation I only got my entry fee in the post the other day.

  8. I think we "aim" to give home all he deserves!!!

  9. Very nice Scott.. We aim to give Curt a rough time at the cowboys this weekend!

  10. Thanks all for your kind words, I don't feel so bad now, not having sent it by now!

    Those who see him during his European jaunt, give Curt a pat on the back from me... then shoot the varmint straight between the eyes! ;-)

  11. He looks brilliant Scott, thanks so much! We're currently in Delft Holland enjoying the sights. I indeed did get shot several times last weekend but managed to preserver through Dave's scenario. You see, the Mountie always gets his man. :)

    Thanks again!


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