
Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Desert Isle - Part 3, WIP

Continued work on the Isle last night...

This time adding cat litter, along the rocky coastline...

This is just budget cat litter (Countdown Homebrand here in NZ), of varying grain size... which gives a realistic looking rocky or rubble area... but whilst looking cool - its terrible for standing miniatures on so here I am just using it in rocky areas where they wouldn't be going, if they have any sense!

Please note, no cats have had to cross their legs... our cats go out side and do their business in the veggie plot! ;-)

The Cat litter is glued on by first covering the desired area in thinned PVA glue, quite watery, at roughly a 50/50 mix...  This makes the adhesion with the cat litter much better than straight PVA as the cat litter is porous and absorbs the watery gluey mix. The cat litter is then liberally sprinkled over the glued surface and left to dry.

Once dried I brush off the excess, then add another layer of water/glue mix over the top to seal it down.

You could go on like this adding later after layer if you wish to build up the effect.

So there we are, rocks done...

Next up will be to paint up the cliff faces in sand textured paint, then add a sand layer for the beaches. Then paint up all the rocky surfaces, and finally paint and flock the top...

I am going to leave the top flat as is, that way differing setups of hills, rocks, villages vegetation can be placed as required. It will also make storage easier...


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