
Monday, March 10, 2014

Desert Isle - Part 2, WIP

A quick update... Sunday I managed some spare hobby time, so polyfilla'd  the rocky cliffs of the desert isle... a few pics for your perusal...

I left the books in place, though wrapped them in plastic carrier bags in case I got sloppy with the filla...

Next up, fun with cat litter...

I am now pondering ahead to colour scheme, and whether to paint the cliffs a grey colour, or a more limestone/sandstone colour...

Any geologists out there who know a bit about the Caribbean care to advise?



  1. I have no idea . . . but do NOT use a paint color or colors that you cannot replace easily. You might want to build a "matching" island in the future so use colors that you can easily use again.

    And I will echo Dave's comment about it seems to be coming along well.

    -- Jeff

  2. I did a Google image search on "Caribbean cliffs", and this is what came up. Looks like either grey or beige - your choice!

    1. Thanks Roly - I think I will go with a dark brown base, then work up through sades of grey/beige...

  3. Looks great. I've been thinking about doing something similar, so will keep an eye on this. Will avoid the cat litter, though. I'm having a hard enough time keeping the cats off my stuff as it is.

    1. Thanks, LOL! Must admit it was the puppy that couldn't keep away from it last night, sniffing all over ... I thought it was going to get its nose glued at one point!

  4. Somewhere for the ship to dock then! Please stop tempting me with interesting new periods, I'm struggling to finish off the ones I've got now!
    Its a good job you have such a large home to store all these projects (and an understanding wife!)

    1. I've got a little jolly boat, that will still needs finishing off, that will do nicely to row up to the beach while the ship lies off shore at anchor...
      Must admit this one is going to be interesting to store, but I think I have a place figure out where it can lie flat so wont warp while stored on its end...

    2. The games room is my man zone - when the wife comes in there , she plays by my rules! ;-)


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