
Saturday, February 22, 2014

Switching to Google+ for blog comments?

Dear all,

I am considering switching to Google+ for comments on this blog.

I rather like the link to the Google+ community, and the fact that comments are editable.

The downside would mean, you would have to have a Google+ ID to be able to comment all.

I'm unsure what happens then with Captcha - which I must admit I dislike, so have it turned off...

The other possible issue is comment moderation... whilst I would still have control over undesirable comments and could delete them from the blog, if they have been shared to the wider Google+ environment - I cannot remove them from there. Not sure whether I am being overly paranoid about that???

Interested in your thoughts and feedback before I make the switch...



  1. Hi Scott. Been using Google + since I started blogging. No problems whatsoever. Can recommend it. I also like the ability to edit of the comments, and the connection to a community. Have made some great contacts w gamers internationally. Not many that play WW2 in 20mm in NZ, but lots out there on the net !

  2. I know next to nothing about Google + except I recall it being marketed in opposition to Facebook.

    My only concern is the risk of creating closed islands on the Internet - as in people live within, say Facebook, and never get to see anything else on the web. As in the (I hope) joke: Do you use the Internet? No. So what do you do on your computer? Facebook.

  3. I do not have a google + account and will not sign up for one so I would say no. I am not a fan of the totally integrated web stuff. Disqus can edit comments and also allows people to respond to replies from the linked email account.

  4. I considered this a little while ago too Scott. I ended up changing my profile to Google and adding some Google+ widgets, but leaving the comments with blogger to enable anyone to post if they wish.

  5. I've recently done it and am still on the fence as to whether it's a good idea. it's easier but as others have said it's also a closed loop unless you're on Google+.

  6. I'm not sure if I belong to Google Plus or not. Whenever a page comes up that requires something Googlish, the computer brings up my wife's or one of my daughters' profiles. I'm too lazy to then go and change it back to mine (if indeed I've actually got one, and if so, if I can remember the password by now).

  7. I'm a long time Googlephile but I haven't enabled Google Comments on my blog. I have toyed with the idea several times but in the end the restrictive nature of the comments system (ie only G+ users can comment) put me off. Most of the people that read and comment on my blog are already Google Users but I don't wan't to miss out on the 10% that aren't. It's a hard decision to make but at least its not a permanent one...if you choose to give it a test you can always revert back to regular comments if you don't like it.

  8. Thanks all for you thoughts.
    I think I may just sit on the fence for a while... after all, 'if it aint broke, dont fix it!'

  9. I got Google plus to post comments on some other blogger's sites but I don't like the whole idea as it seems to reveal too much about other aspects of your life (your real name for example) to everyone. I like to keep my (admittedly complex) life as compartmentalised as possible!

    I don't really understand Google Plus so don't respond to invitations to join circles as I have no idea what that means.

    Basically, all these social media initiatives are designed to capture as much information about you as possible so it can be sold on to all sorts of dubious people. They are not there for your benefit!

  10. I'm in the same boat tbh Scoot I started up a Wordpress blog but for the same reason I find navigating Google +'s and Word Presses features irritating and can't seem to get used to either. That probably doesn't help any sorry.

  11. Dont take this the wrong way guys but we're just a bunch of guys who play with model soldiers and like to share our experience with others and I'm very much the better for knowing you all in a purely blooging sense. I dont beleive the fabric of society is in any danger from the comments that appear on our blogs and I'd by a trifle surprised if the CIA is monitoring our sites to seek out sinister plans for world domination by 28mm armies of pewter Orcs.
    Reeeelaaaxx, take a deep breath, pour a single malt and add just a smidgin of chilled water. This strategy got me through two major earthquakes so I'm sure it will work for you.

    1. LOL, you raise a very good point Gav ;-)
      PS did someone say 'single malt' ?


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