
Monday, February 24, 2014

A trip to the Walls of Moria, followed by some 'friggin in the riggin', and finished off with a pint down the pub...

Over the weekend I managed to get more hobby stuff done. Since fathers trip to visit with us, has come to and end, normal service has been resumed on the home front...

Its great to see folks again, and after a month long visit, it nice to get back to 'normal' too..., though with fond memories still to last until his next time with us...

So, since garden chores were all done last weekend, it meant I could spend some hobby time this weekend...

As you may have seen in my prior post, I made a start with the Walls of Moria, here.

Once the poly and MDF was all glued up and set, it was then first skim coated with Polyfila

Once that was dry, it was all painted with dark grey sand textured paint - roughly equal parts of black paint / white paint / PVA glue / Sand....

When dry, dry brushed with mid grey...

I thought about doing another final top light grey drybrush, but felt this was enough, I wanted it 'dark and brooding'...

So there we have it,... a couple of potential staged in use pics...

The Fellowship at the Gates of Moria...

"Speak Friend, and Enter"
Its a fairly simplistic terrain piece in its current state. Very usable, but could be improved upon. I think I'll try and make an insert that will fit the open doorway , that I can paint the Ithildin doorway on to, in both a closed, and then open format. I'll also model some wasted trees to go either side as per the movie image at top of this blog post.

However, as it is, its also doing double duty as rocky walls within the abandoned dwarven realm, where goblins have now made their home...

The Dwarrowdelf... while fleeing the wrath of the Balrog, the Fellowship are beset by goblin arrows from up on high...

Plenty of places to perch goblins!
Not bad for a couple of days work.

Whilst various parts of the above were drying, I pressed on with a couple of other things...

Having got my Brig out and dusted off recently (Old terrain projects never die - they just gather dust!), I decided, having just finished the crows nests, it was high time to add some rigging rope ladders to reach them.

So, I used some simple dress makers pins, chopped down to size, and glued these into place, to act as anchor points for the string to be tied round for the main vertical lengths, superglued into place. Once that was all done, then the laborious part was  supergluing into place all the horizontal lengths - that took quite some time, I can tell you, but I think the effect is worthwhile...

It really begins to to look more properly ship-like now, I think, though its certainly no scale model. It still is a wargaming model first and foremost.

I do have some tiny Dead-eyes, that I may mess about with seeing if I can get them to look right at the bottom end of the rigging on sides of ship hull.

Next thing I need to do is rig up the Anchors and CatHead supports. I've also got some swivel guns to add to the hull sides.

I think, I've also got some small racks with, wooden 'pins' in them which go on the insides of the hull sides.

After all that hard work in the rigging, it was time for a pint down the pub, so I broke out the DAS clay, and started cladding the Victorian Tavern. I got the front sides done...

To wrap up the weekend, I had a brief time for a game of LOTR with Chris... he'd had a mate over for a sleepover playdate for the weekend, and they played LOTR all weekend it seemed. Once his friend had left, it was my turn... no rest for the wicked! ;-)

That's all for now folks, as always thanks for viewing.


  1. Nice job a very productive terrain weekend. The ship looks excellent and will make a great terrain piece :)

  2. Wow. I've been wondering how I might do rope-ladders for my boats, and now I've seen your solution, I'm still wondering how I might do rope-ladders for my boats. That's above and beyond the call of duty.

    1. LOL - it probably took me a couple of hours and side order of patience! ;-) There again I was probably getting a little 'high' on the superglue fumes! ;-)

  3. Now thats some impressive progress on all levels - the pub is just superb Scott!

  4. Impressive projects as always, Scott. I like how that ship is looking - should be a great addition to any game. Best, Dean

  5. That wall looks very nice, I like the way you've designed it so that many models can be placed on it.

  6. Wow, you have been busy mate. Did you get my message on Google+?

    1. Thanks, just now, have replied...

    2. Original Haldir on foot wielding sword. I have this and after looking at your Elves of the Woodland Realm, I'm happy to send it to you.

    3. Darcy - thanks you so much for your kind offer. However I have just secured one on ebay, which is hopefully winging its way to me now from the UK... Thanks again! Cheers Scott

  7. err..... that's all Scott ??
    only in a week-end ? that's work for a month for me !!

    well done of course...

    1. LOL, many thanks, I was rather fortunate with time, to be able to keep pottering away...

  8. I REALLY enjoy your wall here. I was just reading a bit by another blogger about terrain with height as well as width and length. This is a pretty cool example of what he was talking about.

    1. Thanks Varangian. I do like it when the terrain and figures can interact well, without them falling over all the time!

  9. You have been very industrious Scott! All of it looks very nice!


  10. Creative and productive. Great work.

  11. Very well done all round Scott!

  12. Great wok Scott, love the walls!

    The building will look great too

  13. Both the ship and the entrance to the mines look great! Good stuff.

  14. Thanks all guys, I appreciate the feedback! :-)

  15. Very impressibve output, how do you find time to breath with so many wonderful projects on the go?
    I hope that Harley of yours is not languishing in some dark corner of your garage.

    1. Breathing is optional ;-)
      Don't worry, the Harley us getting some use - used to commute to work a couple of days while kids were on holiday, so I wasn't having to drop them off to school on way to work. Had a spin out the other weekend too... I was actually pondering doing a blog for my rides, perhaps to encourage more of them, with a few pics of our gorgeous Middle-Earth scenery...


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