
Monday, July 01, 2013

Victorian Terrace WIP 12 - Roof tiling - half way there!

I feel like I deserve, or at least need, a mini fanfare - I have got the roof tiling half done! Yippee!

I doesn't look like much work, but jings does it take a while, or what...

I have been cutting up thin card into 10mm x 5mm pieces then gluing these on individually, starting at the bottom and working up in overlapping rows...

In the finest traditions of 'rivet counting', I had a quick tot up of the tiles on this one side of the roof; 44 tiles wide and 20 rows, = ~900 tiles, plus the ones on the out buildings.

My work station, mini dvd player keeps me sane! One side done.
Its lengthy work but I hope the final effect will be worth it. Once its done I am going to see if I can add some guttering and drainpipes using Evergreen plastic strut.

Out building roofs done too.
I will be basing the building on a piece of MDF sheet that will effect a width of pavement to front and sides of building, to which I will be attaching  these LED model gaslamps. I'll then need to wire them into the main house circuit, running the wire under the MDF sheet, via a groove cut into the underside.
The Gaslamps are 60mm tall, and sourced from ebay trader; "we_honest".

LED gaslamp and Victorian gent (half painted) for scale.
That's all for now. Back to the grindstone!


  1. Another great looking terrain project underway. I really like that Victorian gent too. Best, Dean

  2. Still going strong and looking better with every step! I must admit I'm a little bemused by your choice of DVD though - roof tiles are a long winded and dull enough process without Costner... ;-)

    1. Thanks. LOL, I know what you mean, but the move is about 3 hours long so it keeps me company for a while ;-) ... actually my interest in it was tweaked by a comment about the movie Avatar, which was referred to as "Dances with Aliens" ... which made me chuckle, so thought I'd watch the 'original' again ...

  3. Those roof tiles look awfully fiddly fella. It's coming together nicely though, looking forward to the finished product.

  4. This is now looking amazing! Love the chimneys!

  5. Looks fantastic. Been wanting to try the DAS clay for brickwork myself, I was going to practice on a garden wall to begin with but having seen your work, I may have to go the whole hog and build a house!(in 28mm of course)

  6. Wow! Been looking forward to this update. Truly impressive work. With the EOTD minis ready to be released there is going to be some fun gaming with this as your centre piece.

  7. You certainly do deserve some fanfare for this imagine trumpets! To be truthful the last time I tried to watch that movie I feel asleep. I could never watch that movie while doing something that tedious. For me it would have be something like Lawrence of Arabia, A bridge Too Far, Spartacus something will a more absorbing cast.

  8. Superb work, this is going to be great.

  9. Blindly, it's turning into a real beauty, but some work!

  10. Thanks all for your kind words and encouragement. I spent a while last night cutting out all the tiles ready to do the other side. Will make a start tonight...
    Deep breath, dvd on, and start gluing ! ;-)

  11. One word: dedication!

    Great looking project Scott.

  12. Wonderful looking project!


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