
Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Fury of Dracula

Some of you may recall this post, some time ago...

Well, No.1 sons 10th birthday came round recently and he got this boardgame as part of his prezzy haul. He's right into the whole gothic horror thing, the movie 'Van Helsing' just about being on permanent loop in the movie room ;-)  He also got the novel Dracula by Bram Stoker too, and is already several chapters in...

I had a read through of the rules the other night and we're going to give it whirl tonight, along with mate Jon, who's a boardgame fan.

I also found a handy link to rules online here.

Looking forward to some vampiric fun... guess who'll be playing the 'bad guy'? ;-)

"I vant byte... yor nik..., ...blah, .. blah blah...*" ! ;-)

*See Hotel Transylvania, for a good laugh!


  1. Many belated Happy Returns to the young Master; looking forward to the report.

  2. Sweet! I've been looking at this game recently :) Hotel Transylvania is pure awesome.

    1. Definitely worth getting if you like the genre. I was a little skeptical of the game play to start, but it quickly became engrossing... Yeah its a great giggle!

  3. Good luck, you'll have to introduce him to Lee and Cushing!

    1. Most certainly, I'll have to see if a compilation set is available... He's already a big fan of Lee, from his Saruman and Count Dooku roles... I think he'll be quite stunned to see him as Dracula!

  4. Great boardgame! Good choice! Be prepared for immense pressure and paranoia when playing Dracula!

  5. Sounds like fun!!! Happy hunting!!!!!

  6. Looks like a cool game - I had a quick look at the rules which seem to be pretty good (anything with combat appeals to me). Fantasy Flight Games make good board games, so you should have a good old time tonight. Looking forward to my kids being old enough to do board games. At 5,4 and 10 months, they are still mastering snap and go fish right now... (though not the 10 month old so much!)

    1. LOL, Chris also got "Hey that's my Fish" game too, which he enjoys with his younger sister...

  7. What a great fun game! Suspense and drama throughout, stroke and counter stroke... Dracula made sneaky progress through central Europe to start, beginning in Genoa and reaching Strasbourg, but as the net started to close, fled eastwards to Varna... the hunters eventually picking up his trail again around Sofia and catching him at Bucharest, a series of running battles through the region saw wounds done to both sides, but Dracula broke westwards again. More fighting occurred near Venice, with Dr Seward succumb to two rounds of attack by gypsy minions, and to be finished off by the Count... Mina then encountered a newly risen Vampire which seduced her, inflicting a bite and killing her too... (this should have won the game for Dracula as he had matured a vampire in Varna too by this time scoring more points), but I hadn't realised killing the hunters scored Dracula victory points ... so the game continued, and Dracula now carrying several wounds, was cornered in Northern Italy, leaving him only one route south down the peninsula, with the hunters hot on his trail. With insufficient health remaining to risk a sea journey, he was cornered finally in Bari, and was taken down by in the end by Van Helsing... though I think Van Helsing was mortally wounded in the final exchange... Excellent stuff. Can't wait to play it again.

  8. Sounds like a great game Scott! I remember the old Games Workshop one but it was never that exciting.

  9. Happy birthday to your son. It does sound like a fun game after your recounting it. Even if it wasn't "by the rules" I'm sure the kids enjoyed seeing Dracula taken down and beaten for the dramatic final on the very first game.

    1. Sadly he missed the end game, as the game continued past his bedtime... but we're half way through our 2nd game (TBC... Saturday)

  10. I bet your son will also enjoy DRACULA show on NBC this Fall and then DRACULA movie next year with Luke Evans :)

    1. Yes I am intrigued by, this, will just have to see when it screens here in NZ.


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