
Thursday, May 09, 2013

More British Recce - Universal Carrier Patrol - FoW

As hinted at in last post, more FoW stuff...

Another recce platoon for my XXX Corp, this time a carrier patrol.

These guys can zip ahead of the main force, seeking out enemy ambushes, or once enemy is spotted, they're position can be reported, effectively lifting 'Gone to Ground' status. For those that don't play FoW, this then makes the hiding enemy easier to hit by the shooting of your own platoons in your force.

They can also harras enemy infantry with their MG fire, and even have a chance at knocking out the odd enemy tank as the command vehicle has a PIAT fitted.

I must confess it was the additional weapons that initially had me scratching my head. The carriers come as a solid resin cast, on base. The crew are separate metal sculpts, which is fine. However the extra front gunner came in two varieties, an MG or a PIAT. To get the chosen gunner in place, the  front of the resin carrier hull had to be cut way (I used a dremel), and gunner put into position. What I had initially thought was a blob of excess metal on top of the cast gun, was actually there to match the cut away carrier hull. So once in position and a little greenstuff to hide the join, painting was straight forward.

The patrol was decked out in the markings of Guards Armoured to match the rest of the force. I am not 100% sure I have the appropriate markings on, but I think they look correct, in general.

I am rather pleased with these characterful little vehicles and look forward to seeing them zip about the battlefield, causing mischief and mayhem!

Next up, more Germans...


  1. You think I can buy tanks like those on ebay or something ?

    1. Do you mean painted up or new?
      Either way its possible, just depends what people list there I guess. Best of Luck!

  2. Wow! I like those little guys in their nice armoured cars!

  3. Scott:

    Very nicely painted recce vehicles - bases too. I bet they'll be a lot of fun causing mayhem on the fly. Best, Dean

  4. Good job - you must have quite an armoured column now - will keep an eye on Kapiti FOW site for market garden themed battles.

    1. I think there will a be few... the Mrs will want to try her hand at breaking her way along Hells Highway for starters, can my plucky grenadiers hold out????

  5. Very nice Scott. I like the Universal carriers. I've surprisingly had more success with them than the Stuarts for my Guards. Hope they treat you well!

  6. More excellently painted vehicles! I've always liked carriers - they take me back to my Airfix days!

    1. Many thanks Sir! I have made many Airfix kits in my time , but never made a carrier... it didn't have an attractive big gun!

  7. Nice. Carriers have a certain something don't they, intrinsically British. I'm planning a recce platoon for my 7th army pre-Monty so it's good to know about the Piat mod.

    1. They certainly do sir!
      The PIAT could be useful, but its probably low odds really of getting a destructive hit, especially if you have to move the Carrier to get onto the flanks of an enemy tank... but it does make the command vehicle more noticeable ...


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