
Wednesday, May 08, 2013

British Recce - Stuart VI tank platoon - FoW

Some time ago, my wife starting playing FOW with me on the odd occasion, using my British XXX Corp from Market Garden / Hells Highway, against my varied German forces... see here for more.

As part of this renewed interest in using XXX Corp, I looked to increase some of the platoon options available to this force. It also so happened that mate Paul was talking about attending the Panzerschrek doubles tournament here in NZ, and offered to take me under his wing.

We decided pretty much to go with a British force, my component being the XXX Corp Guards Armoured Company.

This all meant extra troops would be required for my Brits. So a good troop choice to compliment my Shermans would be a Recce platoon of Stuart VI light tanks...

Quickly sourced locally from BF, to avoid any unexpected delays from ordering abroad. I normally order from the UK as its far cheaper than ordering here, but if you want something quick guaranteed, BF seems the way to go...

So these were completed a little while ago, and sat with gloss varnish done, while I awaited a decal order from DOM in the UK. Once decals were added and sealed, a final matt varnish was applied.

So as you can see, in between work on clamping together a certain Victorian Dwelling, I have been busy with more FOW stuff...

I am looking forward to giving these a whirl sometime soon.

Stay tuned for more FoW stuff to follow and more work on the Victorian House...


  1. Sounds like you've got your FoW mojo back. Nice to see your Brits. I heard a rumor (probably picked up from Salute which i foolishly didn't attend) that PSC will shortly be releasing Stuarts, Cromwells and Churchills. May be worth keeping an eye on (I will be).

  2. Thanks Ste... yeah there's a bunch of stuff coming out from PSC, I keep an eye on whats in their pipeline, but sometimes you just need something 'now'...

  3. Great work. I have some XXX Corp shermans - Irish Guards and got stuck with the decals on the side. There is a number inside the shape with a black background. Does Dom's decals do these now? If not how did you manage to do it on your Sherman's?

    1. The Guards Armoured symbol; white number on black field with blue surround, was from a decal set from the BF Sherman platoon boxed set.
      Also interesting to note this symbol was placed on the hull side of the tank, whereas other tank platoons would bear their equivalent mark on the turret side.
      I am not sure if DOM does an equivalent decal...
      ( I didnt follow this convention with the Stuarts as there was too much spare track on turret sides to fit the red square, so I put the white star there instead and red square on the hull) It may not be 100% historically accurate but I like the look...

    2. Thanks Scott. May have to improvise then, which usually ends in disaster for me! Or get the Sherman boxed set. Or for that matter not worry too much about not being historically accurate. I'll give the BF website one more look though.

    3. If nothing obvious on website or at DOMSs, trying emailing BF customer services, and see if they can help. I have found them helpful with a few odd things in the past.

  4. Scott,

    Great work man, I love the Stuart tank! Heck I have a whole army based around them, they can't do anything, but they look cool! Keep up the great work man.

    So when are you going to come visit us here in the good old US of A my friend, we could put together a little "Scott from NZ is Here game party!"

    1. Hey Tim, many thanks mate.

      I'd dearly love to take you up on the invite, only problem is it has become evident, this will be a year we have to start saving for school fees, as our oldest is shortly(ish) due to go to 'senior' school and the one we have chosen aint free!

      However, its still a family wish to do the US at some point so it will still happen (I hope), just a few years from now it seems...

  5. Excellent as usual. Seeing as we'll be on the same side for a change, I shall refrain from trying to blow these ones up!

    1. Excellent! Make sure that dang PIAT is pointing right way then! ;-)

  6. Great looking recon armor; I do like the look of the Stuarts - so American in design - boxy and angular. Best, Dean

  7. Great fun unit to use. 16 inch move is ACE! They look great.

    1. Thanks, yes I like the threatened rush into the 'backfield'...

  8. Those are really nice.
    And they make my remember the 20mm kits I've got in my cuoboard...


  9. These definitely look the business Scott, the goblins will have to be packed away for a bit I feel.

    1. Thanks Michael.
      The goblins are enjoying pride of place on the 'evil shelf' of my display case... but they do seem to have a wait ahead of them till the dwarves 'fall through the front porch'!

  10. These are lovely! Exactly how many tanks do you have?

    1. Thanks you Sir!
      Oh gosh what a question to ask... OK here goes...

      3 x Stuarts
      15 x Shermans (inc 5 x firefly)
      2 x AVRE

      4 x StuG G
      1 x StuH 42
      5 x Panzer IV H
      3 x Jagdpanther
      5 x Panther
      15 x Panzer III H
      4 x Jagdpanzer IV
      4 x Tiger IE
      4 x Marder III H (not really a 'tank' but they've got a big gun!
      2 x Grille H (another big gun!)

      Plus a whole pile of various armoured cars and half tracks for both...
      And there's still more I'd like to expand the range of possible force selections available; Panzer IV/70s, more StuH42s...

    2. ... I think I'm a bit of a 'tread-head'... ;-)

    3. I know, its an addiction I think! ;-) Oh, and I am still waiting for PSC to release their Panzer III L/M/N set too...!


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