
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Police Inspector - Empire of the Dead

Some time ago I completed a patrol of police men for my Empire of the Dead gaming, though I was missing a Faction leader for them and a 'police inspector' figure was needed.

 Again WestWind came to the rescue with a set of police inspectors from their Vampire Wars range of models that are perfectly compatible with their Empire of the Dead range.

I selected a suitable model from the pack and trimmed and prepped him ready for paint... and then the The Hobbit boxed set arrived and painting and modelling focus was instantly changed here at chez Bowman!

Now having completed for the most part building Goblin Town, and then painting up all the Goblins of Goblin Town (see earlier post), I felt like a little change before pressing on with the company of dwarves, and so fished this model out again and got him finished.

Being roughly historic in appearance, he forms a small part of my Painting Challenge submissions.

Here he is in both 'urban' and 'rural' settings...

I am not sure whether I would choose to run a routine Police Faction in the game, the main motivation for this group of police, was that one of the post game events, in the campaign setting, is to be "Captured by the Peelers", so the follow up mission becomes an escape from custody, hence the requirement for the models.

Now there appears to be a formal Police Faction being done for the game as part of the kickstarter so we'll wait and see what develops... So here are Holmes and Watson leading an intrepid bunch of police into the catacombs below the city... what 'fiendishness' awaits them?... who knows....


  1. Very nice mate, I looking forward to seeing the rules for Peelers and there Super Natural Branch looks interesting.

    1. Agreed! The Supernatural branch looks good. The Bedlam Brothers also looks interesting.

    2. The whole thing is spiralling wonderfully!

  2. A lovely group that! I have just ordered, sight unseen, the North Star equivalent! Can't have Victorian games without doughty policemen!

  3. Very nice and kudos to you for getting these guys included as historical. Chalk one up for the Dark Side!

    1. LOL ducking, diving and weaving and sneaking another one in there! ;-)

  4. A worthy addition to your rapidly growing menagerie of EoTD figures Scott.
    Isn't it nice painting one offs for a change instead of sodding great legions of the blighters.

    1. Couldn't agree more mate... Theres nowt more off putting than 30 odd little pairs of eyes staring you down when you sit at the painting table!

  5. What a great miniature Scott, could think of a few uses for him myself.

  6. You just need to give him a suitable name now! Hercule perhaps? Inspector Frost?

  7. Nicely painted and based set of minis. Love the whole flavor of the genre. Best, Dean


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