
Monday, March 11, 2013

An unexpected gift!

For Lord of the Rings fans, living in New Zealand often brings unexpected encounters with places and people who were involved in the movie making magic that went into filming and producing the movie trilogy.

In a bid to get in to better shape, my wife recently took on a personal trainer; Abigail from BodyFix here in Kapiti.

As we got know Abigail, it transpired she was involved in the movie. Abigail is quite petite and very fit and was perfect as a stunt double for Gimli, and also she was used as the movement capture element for the creation of the movement of the Moria goblins as they descend from the roof of the caverns of the Dwarrowdelf, and down the pillars... and several other extras roles, including the little orc who turns to chat to a fellow orc on the top of the Black Gate (bottom picture below).

After finding this out, I naturally mentioned my love of the movie and books and showed her my figures and terrain I have made. She seemed suitably impressed with this, and realized I was a 'real fan'.

The next meeting with her she said she had something for me, and would bring it next time.

With great curiosity I waited for her next appointment with my wife...

Do you remember the following sequence from the movie? As Aragorn , Gimli and Legolas take the Paths of The Dead, they confront the King of the Dead and his undead 'court'... and then go on in their struggle through this hazardous realm.

In the Extended DVD version they are hit with an avalanche of skulls...

I recall watching the 'making of' disc, where it was described how they had to make hundreds if not thousands or tiny resin skulls, to film this shot...

Well guess what Abigail turned up for me...?

Having some contacts in the know, she brought me one of the resin skulls used from the movie! How cool is that!? So it now resides in pride of place in my display case alongside my figures...  with the bad guys of course! ;-)

Here with Aragorn, just for a sense of scale.

And here is Abigail, the chatty little orc, (second from right)!

Great to have friends in high places and all that! :-)


  1. That is totally awesome, often over used word but in this case bang on!


  2. haha. That is great. Definitively a very unique piece of memorabilia to have

  3. Very cool story and what a unique gift! You'll have to work that skull into a game somehow.

    1. I can see it being an 'objective marker' for sure :-)

  4. That is absolutely brilliant! Bet that gets you painting!

  5. Lovely! Your very own preciousssss. Envious.

  6. incredible! you're a lucky guy!
    I've never imagined that it could be done with "real" skuls !
    even if I suppose that the characters were added after!


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