
Saturday, September 01, 2012

Prussian Maxim HMG - GASLIGHT

Finally got my Prussian Maxim Heavy Machine Gun team finished for my prospective GASLIGHT games.

As much as I would like to equip my Zendarian Gentleman's club with it for Empire of the Dead gaming, I fear this may be beyond the scope of the rules... shame though as I love the idea of mowing down zombies, werewolves and Nosferatu with it!

Now its just as well this is a 'sci-fi' setting, and not strictly historical, as I have to come clean with the set up of the team...

Obviously there were no instructions in the blister pack, and I messed about with getting the right fit for the gun and crew. Everything looked OK, until I went to the web for some colour reference material for the gun, found what I was looking for then then realised the belt feed goes in the other side of the gun... bugger!

What I had not contemplated was that the loader would have his back to the action... that and the relative heights of the gun and tripod to the loader seemed a good fit for where I put it. As it was I had to entirely cut off the cast base from the loader otherwise the belt feed was just too high... greenstuff also was used to join feed belt to the gun.

Ah well I still think it looks pretty cool. I'll just have to come up with some fiendish new gun to explain this alternative feed mechanism... maybe some 'infernium' enriched rounds... who knows!


  1. What a great bit of kit and if you hadn't said anything I doubt it would have occurred to me that the loader was on the wrong side. Although some might see it as ungentlemanly, I think employing this team to mow down the undead perfectly except able. ;)

    1. One is certainly in ones rights to mow down the undead, as since they have shuffled off this mortal coil, they cease to be gentleman, sir, and need not be treated as such !

      Makes for a darn fine visual too!

  2. I would have done the same mate, looks good to me!

  3. Looks great. I hadn't a clue mate. I'm pretty sure there are rules for gatlings in EotD

    1. Hey Brummie, many thanks. I have found a 'man-portable gatling gun' under the exotic weapons section, but not a true, two man heavy weapon like this... I have asked the forum for some house-rules... ;-)

  4. What you need vs werewolves is SILVER BULLETS, which of course must be fed from the side you've got them positioned in.

    Silver bullets, sir. That is your answer . . . well at least an answer.

    -- Jeff

    1. Ah yes, Silver indeed against those nefarious shapechagers!

  5. I also didn't notice until I read your post. Nice work Scott.

  6. Nicely done Scott, you went above and beyond the call of duty here.

  7. Nice to see youve got your mechanically challenged machine gunners sorted and very nice they are too.
    Great basing as well.

  8. Thank you all for the kind comments :-)

  9. "...the advent of the new Tesla 'Toten-Krieg' ammunition we deemed that the feed assembly had to be completely reconfigured to accept the new cartridge.."

    - Communique excerpt from Krupp Prussian Armaments


    Great job!

    1. LOL, thanks Curt, you and Krupp, may have just saved my bacon, er... sausage ;-)
      I look forward to field trials of the new Toten-Krieg ammunition :-)

  10. Well at least it won't jam LOL

    Looks good and without fessing up I would not have known


  11. Of course, it could be the new DEFENSIVE machine gun. Instead of spitting out bullets like normal machine guns, it sucks in enemy bullets shot in its general direction, and then ejects them in a belt that the loader .. er .. unloader catches and disposes of.

    1. The perfect pacifists weapon! I would never have thought of that! Though not sure it suits the dastardly nature of the Hun! ;-)


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