
Saturday, August 25, 2012

Prussians - GASLIGHT / Zendarians - Empire of the Dead

Well they have taken a little while, and their painting has been interrupted by several FoW items, but they are now finally done; my VSF Prussians, for GASLIGHT. And a wonderful surprise was finding they are also perfect for depicting the Zendarian Gentleman's club for Empire of the Dead. Two games with one set of models - more bang for your buck, can't be bad I say!

For those who missed the earlier WIP post, they are 28mm Paroom Station figures from BrigadeGames.

20 trooper models in a good advance attack pose (in 5 subtle variants) that will suit the skirmish nature of these games very well. 3 Officers that will no doubt be various Hauptmanns, Feldwebels and what have you (must research German military ranks!) and two Extraordinary Prussian officers. No doubt perhaps an Oberst and Major. I'll have to name them of course... I can see Ottos, vons, Ludwigs and all sorts of other Germanic name combos coming up...

I must admit I painted them as quick as I could, and skimped on a few details, I didn't bother doing eyes on the troopers, nor did I do a top highlight, but I think they have turned out well enough for the tabletop. The flesh tone appears a bit yellowy in the pics but they are fine to the naked eye, I think this is a lighting effect during photography.

Please excuse the odd tuft of static grass clinging to the models, this will fall off with time.

Next up, a WIP; a fiendishly nasty Maxim heavy machinegun. Not terribly steampunk in appearance but hopefully quite terribly deadly to its targets none the less ol' boy! ;-)

Again Paroom station from Brigadegames.

Right, wheres that Colonel O'Truth got his redcoats hiding? Ah yes that tropical place Ah-Pul Sh'Napps, somewhere on the Dark Continent, we'll find 'em and giving a sound Prussian thrashing!


  1. This stuff is very cool indeed and I haven't bought the book as I'm 99% sure I'd be sucked into yet another project!

    Nice work Scott!


    1. Thanks Christ. Go on you know you want to :-)

    2. Sorry, "Chris"... Damned iPhone autocomplete!

    3. That's the problem in that I really do want to!! So far I'm resisting.....barely.:-)


  2. Very nice... I may have to get some for myself...

  3. Now they are impressive Scott, beautiful looking unit!

  4. These look wunderschön, Scott. Very Germanic ... especially those Junker officer class guys. I love the paint jobs.

    I'm dragging the chain a bit on my part in this project, aren't I? I still can't decide on French, Austrians ... or something un-thought of yet. I must get my A into G and make a decision, sealed with an order to some company or other.

    1. Many thanks Roly :-) yeah the officers are great aren't they.
      You're ahead of me on steam punk machines though...
      Have you finally decided on a country to base you force on?

    2. Yep, your posting has finally spurred me into action. I've decided to go French, using the Foreign Legion filibusters from Wargames Foundry (so with a Mexican twist).

    3. Marvellous, I feel that suits your 'continental'personna very nicely! ;-)

  5. Very nice looking unit, the colours do pop, those Redcoats best leave the club and do battle before th MG gets painted!


    1. Ha, I look forward to mowing those redcoats down, though I fear they have more steam punk goodness that may well see to my poor gunteam before they get a chance to fire!

  6. Very imperessive Scott. Not my thing but I do like them.

    1. Thanks Roger , especially since its not your thing!

  7. Very nice miniatures. I´m very tempted to do this period too...

  8. Nice job, they look great- and always a bonus to get double-dipping duty out of minis!

  9. Really nice looking minis. I would love to see them on a nice looking VSF/steampunk table, with some steampunk warmachines. The thought of it, is making me want to go out and buy some 28mm prussians too. Great job.

    1. Thank you G2. No doubt there will be a minor engagement fairly soon, once 'The Colonel' suggests a suitable time! He has a ton steampunk goodness, just waiting for its 'land trials'.

      I have a few plans for fiendish contraptions myself, though at this stage they are still mostly stored in ones greymatter...

      Stay tuned!

  10. Is the officer with the overcoat talking on a mobile phone?


    1. Why, you cad sir!. Surely he's adjusting his monocle... probably in some disbelief at the sight of 'Gargantua' hoving into view ! ;-)

  11. Was that a challenge, Scott?

    No amount of blue paint will protect you from the righteous fist of the British Empire, Fritzy!

    Hmmm... Better get on with my lancers...

    See you very soon, my honourable and fiendish foe!

    Tally ho!

    1. I presume ze gauntlet has been picked up zen, Sir?

      Ah yes, ze finest blue cotton, Tommy, mit fetching red accessories, clearly ze height of good fashion zese days, ze length unt breadth of Europe. Our Prussian influence is clearly spreading, no? ;-)

      Lancers? , pah! Vait till you zee vot we fine Prussian aristocrats will ride to var on. Ha, zen you vill be trembling in your little bootsies! Bwa ha ha ha harrrr!

      Bring it on Tommy, ve are vaiting!

  12. You can't beat Prussians in pointy helmets! That bald officer is superb - love the job you have done on his monocle!

    1. Thank you Sir!

      I must admit I wasn't sure how to paint the monocle, and got some handy tips how to do glasses from the LeadAdventure Forum.

      I first had a go at it on the Madams glasses in an earlier post...

  13. The Colonel's quite right old chap, your sausage eaters look absolutely spiffing but they're no match for stout hearted proper types.

    Lovely figures and the usual high standard paint job...good stuff.

    1. Thank you kind Sir!

      Ah yes, but will those stout hearts stand up to the 'rat-a-tat-tat' of the Maxim!?
      Got the paint job finished last night just have to varnish and base it up.

  14. Great work, Scott. I quite like the chap with the monocle. (I've always wanted a monocle...)

    The Maxim is a very nice model as well but, wow, that tripod looks overscaled to the gun and the crew. I wouldn't want to be the poor fella having to schlep that thing around!

  15. Thanks Curt :-)

    Yeah its certainly a meaty tripod! Clearly a fixed point defense, not to be 'schlepped' around, you've been watching 'Kelly's Heroes' haven't you? ;-)

    Actually I am rather glad as I dropped the assembled model while painting and it didn't bust!

    Also the tripod came cast flat in the blister pack and the three legs had to be bent down into position. I think if they had been thinner , they may have snapped... I could of course have replaced with brass rod...


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