
Monday, June 25, 2012

XXX Corp - Command and Recce

More additions to my XXX Corp force...

Some characterful command elements and much needed reconnaissance.

First up JOE Vandeleur. You can't field XXX Corp without having JOE along too! An amazing character and wonderfully portrayed by Michael Caine in the movie A Bridge Too Far. I found lots of interesting information on 'JOE' on the web, and could have cut and pasted here, but instead I'll let you google his exploits yourself!

Here he is portrayed atop his Humber Scout Car.

JOE gives a force he commands various special abilities reflecting his skill at driving his force along. This gives him rules that are similar to the German 'Stormtrooper' move'. He also improves the short range fire of his tank platoons.

Along for the ride, JOE also has an attached RAF forward air observer, in a White scout car, as seen below.

This allows for greater effectiveness of called in Typhoon air support, including being able to direct air strikes closer in to friendly formations, and a greater chance of 'ranging in' against concealed enemy troops.

The air observer pictured in his blue/grey RAF uniform. I hope I got the colour right? Close enough is good enough I hope. I also tried to get an Allied star decal on the bonnet of the scout car but those raised bumps made it impossible to get the decal to lie flat, even after thorough application of decal softener. He just better make sure he gets the right directions through to those typhoons so they don't hit his own transport!

Next up my much needed reconnaissance...

Two Daimler I's. One command vehicle and second vehicle with Littlejohn adaptor fitted.

Accompanying the Daimler I's are some Daimler Dingos, as below. I know its completely the wrong word to apply to military vehicles, but these things are just 'cute' compared to everything else on the board, and I look forward to seeing them zip about the board, hopefully avoiding everything fired at them...

I fitted the Dingos, with their AA Bren gun, so this gives them a little MG fire should they need to use it.

The main use for these troops though will be ambush avoidance and 'Eyes and Ears'; lifting 'gone to ground' from hiding enemy troops.

Finally, just to continue the Recce theme, these are Humber LRC III's from a pack I got half price from a store closing down sale... sadly they don't directly fit in with my XXX Corp force list, but if I add 3 Humber scout cars then they can then work as a recce platoon for some British Infantry...

These have an oddly quaint look and seem more at home in an "early war" or even pre-WWII era...

So this just about completes my XXX Corp tank company, just got to get that Typhoon painted... no doubt I'll make small additions to it over time too...


  1. Your amassing one really impressive FOW collection that looks really nice!


    1. Thanks Chris... I must admit I'm rapidly running out of carrying capacity and display space!


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