
Monday, June 25, 2012

Panzer Lehr - Reinforcements - Tank Hunters and Mortars

With the CTA tournament looming closer I had to get a few more bits and pieces finished up, for my chosen force.

I wanted to add some armour to my force of Lehr Panzergrenadiers, and wanted the better armour of the StuG G, over the Panzer IV, however the Lehr company restricts the StuG to its 'Radio Controlled Tank Platoon' in which they come with Borgward demolition carriers... which I did not want to field.

However Lehr can field the Jagdpanzer Tank Hunter, which to all intents and purposes, is identical to the StuG in the game.

Also known and 'Guderians Duck', these tank hunters will do all that the StuG can. To me they look a little like the Jagdpanthers little brother...

Later in the war these were upgraded to the Panzer IV/70, with beefed up frontal armour and a much bigger gun, and stronger front wheels to support this extra frontal weight.

But these Jagdpanzers will suit me fine for now, and give my Lehr forces a little low silhouette mobile anti-tank punch...

Next up a pair of SdKfz 251/7's carrying the 8cm Mortar.

These are being fielded as part of the GPG 'Heavy Platoon', and give me a little extra in terms of options; landing a pinning artillery strike, or dropping some smoke where it might be needed, to help the GPGs in their assault duties...

Finally though not strictly for my Lehr forces, a couple of Kfz 15 Field cars. Again these were grabbed half price from the store closing down sale, and will no doubt come in useful for other mobile German formations where they often serve the purpose of transport for platoon commanders.

Brief Battle Report
Last Friday night I had a game with Paul playing Fighting Withdrawal, with my Lehr GPG force defending against his British Armoured company, as a pre-tournament practice as I had never played this mission scenario before.

My Jagdpanzers were sprung in ambush from a wood against Paul's Recce Stuarts and caused them a degree of grief, though my dice rolling wasn't the best and the Stuarts managed to escape total destruction! The jagdpanzers managed to continue to support their dismounted GPG infantry who were holding the flank objective, though slowly got whittled away, until I successfully withdrew the sole surviving command tank.

Approx turn 2 - Jagdpanzers have moved out from under ranged in artillery
The 251/7's faired less well, being taken out by long ranged tank fire. I had positioned one on the edge an orchard and another alongside a building (hoping to avoid air attack - though Paul had not taken air support). Sadly the one by the building was a clear shot to a Sherman tank, and with their re-rolling missed long range shots, took out both half tracks... next time I'll hide them better.

Lehr Panzergrenadiers deter the Brit Shermans on the right flank
The game came down to the wire as I held on gamely, withdrawing the two flank objectives, hanging on by my fingernails to the central objective, including a counter attack where I mounted up the GPGs and came flying back 'all guns blazing' to assault and shoot up some M10s that had broken through. The CO also arrived from a flank to help the situation... Having rescued the objective, Paul was no longer in a position to capture it, so being a canny player, switched tactic, to kill me and force me to withdraw. This he did by firing everything he had at my CO, who passed everything thrown at him till the last shot possible... then died and failed his warrior save. The 2iC had already died in a prior 'blaze of glory', so that left me with no chance to take a company morale check and I was forced to adversely withdraw on the last turn... a great game which saw us approaching midnight to finish it off, it was that close... and despite losing, again I learned a lot :-)


  1. Lovely Panzers! I too have a soft spot for the StuG, but Jagdpanzers are pretty awesome as well!

    You might like this :-)

    1. Thanks :-) Yeah seen that one before too, very cool - I also liked your "Blitzkreig" picture with the kitten...

  2. Very nice stuff. You have quite the collection going too. Cool little battle rep. Isn't it amazing your CO can survive everything and then that last warrior save dries up on you?

    1. Thanks Jerry... I was a bit dumb to throw away the 2iC on a pointless action earlier... and when the CiC failed his saves right at the end, I almost cried! ;-) One of thse days I might just win a game, who knows...

  3. Nice work on the camo pattern Scott

  4. Excellent panzers there Scott. For some reason I just can't paint vehicles to look any good. Your work is amazing!

    1. Thanks Roger :-)

      It really is a fairly simple process: uindercoat and base coat, wash with dark brown wash, and lightly dry brush with a big soft brush, the base colour again, then pick out the details; tyres and tools etc... re wash the tools, and dry brush some brown on the tyres for weathering/mud. Gloss varnish, add decals, gloss over decals again, and final matt varnish. Voila!

  5. Scott nice on the panzers Scott, I really like how they turned out man. So when you coming to Phoenix?? LOL

    1. Thanks :-) Actually my wife is wondering if we can manage it next year... once she gets an idea in her head theres no stopping her...

  6. Excellent looking Jagdpanzers Scott!

  7. I'm not entirely sure how I missed this post, my apologies Scott. More wonderful additions, surely we must be getting close to completion; perhaps a photo of the collection so far?

    1. No worries Michael, thank you for your kind words. I put two posts through on the same day ( this one and the prior one for XXX Corp additions) - perhaps that messed things up a bit in the blog-o-sphere?

      Yes I was thinking a group photo would be good, though theres still a few additions to make in the lead pile ;-)

  8. Great looking models (as always) what force are you planning on taking to CTA?

    1. Thanks John, I'll be taking my Lehr Gepanzerte Panzergrenadier Company.

      For the un-initiated out there, that means mechanised infantry in hanomag half-tracks, armed to the teeth with infantry carried anti-tank weapons, and backed up by various Anti-tank, Armoured, AntiAir, Artillery and Recce assets... Hopefully a list that will be able to deal with most things thrown at it, so long as I give the right commands and the dice gods are kind! ;-)

  9. Fantastic additions to an outstanding unit. You camo work is flawless. Best, Dean


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