
Thursday, May 10, 2012

Oh Gods, what have I done...?

I have been helping my young son find the rules, at a sensible price, for his 40K gaming... He started playing a few months ago with his chums at school on their lunch breaks, with my old ork figures from years ago...

Then we joined the local club that mostly plays 40K & WFB, where he enjoyed playing there, whilst I introduced those at the club to Flames of War. All went swimmingly, with me so far...?

So in the quest for decent pricing, after the B***ards at GW banned online re-sellers like Maelstromgames in the UK from selling to AUS&NZ customers, I came across LiveWire games based here in NZ, who appear to sell GW 40k stuff at about a 25% discount from NZ RRP. But still no rulebook, on its own.

Rulebook RRP here is $113NZ . What a rip off, when its only about 30Quid in the UK...

Luckily I managed to find a copy of the rulebook on the auction site Trademe here and got it for $53NZ. :-)

However, I had been tempted by the Assault on Black Reach set from Livewire... listed at $149NZ, against $195 from GW...

It triggered nostalgic memories of the original Rogue Trader book and the starting basic scenario in the back of the book..., and it had all the templates and dice in too, to play the game...

I was suddenly struck by a couple of thoughts:

A chance to relive old fond memories, now with my son... and a cool idea for a Space Marine Chapter paintjob, especially with recent influences of VSF/steampunk activities involving the dastardly Hun/Nazi. There's also a new movie out at the cinema - IronSky, looks a lot of fun? Nazis in space...

So I thought why not do the Space Marines in a German armour late war colour scheme (as on my Panzer IV in above blog title picture), and use the German black cross transfers to finish the effect. Its probably been done before...? But it seemed an idea too good to pass up...

So before I knew what was happening, I was reaching for the credit card...
Oh heck, what will SWMBO say!


  1. LOL that story is very simular to how I ended up getting a WFB army this year (and I don't even like the game!)

    I will point out there is a new rule book coming out this year for 40k, and they are massively changing the rules...

    1. Oh,$%^&*#@!!!!!!!!!!
      A new rulebook... no wonder I got these cheap now. I wonder if there is any chance they'll (GW) learn from Battlefront and reward owners of current rules book to a free copy... yeah pigs might fly...

  2. GW be nice to the cilent base! Have you been using lead based paints? LOL

    1. I have been using a lot of spray paints in the garage... been lots of tanks to undercoat recently... ;-)

      I am beginning to feel shafted already and the dang set hasnt even arrived yet. I wonder if I should call and cancel it???

      Where can I find out more about this proposed new rules edition?

  3. Oh brilliant! You poor, poor man! You can at take solace in the fact that your motives were good and honourable, but my word life could get tricky when SWMBO finds out!

    1. I might get away with it Michael, if I say its for No.1 son and heir... prodigal son and all that... ;-)

  4. Gah, the bad part is you are going to be hit with 6th edition soon enough!

  5. Ahhh, such good memories of the old Rogue Trader. It was my introduction to the world of Games Workshop.

    Enjoy your new project Scott. I'm looking forward to see how the color scheme works out.

    1. Yeah I remember that book with some fondness... I parted with it on an auction site thinking I would never use it again...
      I has been interstesting getting used to the new version of the rules again, and I even broke out my Squats that have been in stellar-hibernation for 20+ years... to once again attack and fight off their age old foe, the orks!

      Chris and I played through two simple learning fights with the rules, with him telling me what to do, from his lunchtime school knowledge of the rules, and me reading the rules and saying "actually..."

      It took me a while to see what was the same, and what had changed, from whence I last dabbled in the 40k Millenium...

      Whilst I wasnt overly thrilled with it, it was nice to play against Chris where he stayed at the table relentlessly even if I took an age to look up a ruling and read it through several times over...

      He clearly likes this game and the look of it and its mileau, so I will dabble to keep him interested on the home front... Its better than him wasting his time playing computer games and if his interest holds enough to actually paint the models, it will stand him in good stead too for wargaming in the future...

      Its time that I will sacrifice for him, even when I could have used the time to paint what I am really interested in. Thats got to earn me brownie points on the home front with SWMBO, if only she understood the sacrifice I am making! ;-)

  6. That, my friend, is the path of madness... Nonetheless, its all about the journey so enjoy the trip!

    1. Yes I know! Thank goodness I have access to potent medications to keep the worst of it under control ;-)... Well I am strapped in, buckled up, sipper bottle handy, snacks and goodies for the trip... to paraphrase a certain duo.... "its dark, we've got light years to go... and I'm wearing sunglasses..." ;-)

  7. I too have fallen to the 40k bug, it is quiet addicting... I have quietly amassed quite the army even though I keep saying it is only for small skirmish variations. Special Operations Kill Zone is our current project, check it out for small 10-20 model games!

  8. Replies
    1. geez this is all bases around the b*@#$!ds at GW

    2. I'm not qute sure what you're getting at here... the word 'bases' doesn't read right in the sentence. Did you mean 'based' or 'basis' or 'bias'... please elaborate...


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