
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

another Beach WIP update

Just a quick update to show a picture of progress with beach.

I still want to add some more of the water resin to increase its depth and move it a little further up beach so that it's beyond the front legs of the 'ramps'.

The lighting in the picture has made it come out very blue. Its actually more of a turquoise colour when viewed naturally.

Also the resin has split slightly at its thinnest layer at leading edge up beach, as it has dried. But this will be covered, after final layer is done, with the water effects to make the wave details.

Hope to press on more with this next weekend - I've ran out of resin.

In the meantime I've finished two AVREs, just need to varnish them up.

Back soon with more pics.


  1. Excellent work Scott, it's really coming along!!

  2. Looking very good! Wish I didn't live half way around the world as I would love to play on it!

    1. Thanks.

      I know what you mean, I've come a across a bunch of great guys blogging, doted around the globe, who I'd love to share a game with.

      Roll on Star Trek style teleporters... ;-)

  3. Very very nice work there Scott. That is an impressive beach!

  4. Looks great Scott, really coming together well you must be pleased. Life is a beach and then you have to take one!

    1. Thanks. LOL yeah... looking forward to a beach holiday to Fiji in July :-)

  5. Lovely stuff, Scott. I'm really looking forward to the additional layers of resin you'll be applying. I think it'll really give the surf a beautiful three dimensional effect.

    1. Cheers Curt, yes I am pleased with progress and look forward to adding the surf effects :-)

  6. Best model beach I've seen. The bits just under the surface are fantastic!

    1. Thank you! I have tried to keep the top resin layers with just enough colour to dry translucent so you can see through it to beach sand layer below at shoreline.
      I have just managed to get the bottle of water effects from Macks Tracks Plimmertion at a good price through their website... I'm just waiting till they get more stock of the water resin on wednesday for hopefully the final required layer...


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