
Saturday, April 07, 2012

Pillbox Bunker FoW - Finished

I managed some more time on my Anti-tank Pillbox Bunkers, and finished the painting and flocking.

Here's the finished pictures.

I show one bunker with 88mm gun and the other with a slightly smaller 75mm gun.

So my assorted beach defences are coming along nicely. I have started today to build the actual beach section and have stuck a 2cm thick cut sheet of polystyrene to a 3mm MDF base, 16" x 48". Tomorrow I'll hopefully be able to start trimming it down into a sloping beach shape...

I also have plans for another DIY bunker, this time a 5cm KwK Bunker.

And to continue the beach defence theme, and also with use throughout the rest of the campaign, I started on my 10.5cm leFH18 howitzer battery today. :-)


  1. Great work!!! They look immense!

  2. Wow! Huge transformation from the last pictures. You must be very pleased with these; they look excellent!

  3. Wonderful stuff Scott. They look brilliant.

  4. Excellent work!! Love the reinforced metal showing through, a very nice touch!

  5. Great job! I'm interested to see it integrated with your planned beachhead terrain. Nice!

  6. Awesome job, Scott. I really, really like these. I'll try to mimick your skill (poorly I'm sure) and do up some WWI style bunkers for 'Through the Mud and the Blood'. I'm wondering though if they painted the guns grey instead of the dunkelgelb? The barrels seems quite apparent against the dark concrete of your bunkers... Nonetheless they look the business.

    1. I did wonder this myslef, but the guns I got from BF were prepainted (though I did redo them as the paint was very thick round the muzzle break)this colour to match their late war range of Germans...
      If there is evidence somewhere of their actual colour that shows them as 'grey', then I'll happily repaint the gun barrels.

  7. Thanks for all the positive comments guys, and a big thanks again to BF customer services.
    I am working on the beach section now, and just awaiting a order of more Evergreen strip styrene L-secton struct to make more barbed wire supports and chzek hedgehogs..
    After that I want to get that KwK defilade bunker gun with its 5cm gun made, and some gun pits, MG nests, and corner angle bits for the trenches...

  8. Awesome Scott
    Anytime you want to make a couple extra ans send them north just let me know.

  9. scott would it be possible for you to write up a how to guide for these bunkers? im preparing for a huge 72ft game board where we will have 4 allied players and 4 german players playing starting with d-day landings and need to build most of my stuff for it as the pre build stuff is just so expensive..

    1. Tom, if you check back through the preceding blog posts hopefully that will give you what you need.

  10. Amazing work !!!

    +1 for the tutorial, i need to build my own for our next campaign.

    Or at least ,can you tell us the size of these bunkers ????

    1. Many thanks... I'll have to get back to you with the dimensions, they are packed away at present... watch this space...

    2. Thanks Scott, i'll be patient (and minefield, barbwire... will keep me busy)

    3. OK, pillbox is...
      4cm high
      6cm front to back
      7cm wide at back
      4cm wide at front
      defilade wall is 5cm long

      Hope that helps

    4. Perfect, everything i need !
      Thank you


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