
Saturday, April 07, 2012

Damned GW does it again!

I popped into my FLGS (Toyworld, Paraparaumu) today to pick up a tin of GW's Chaos Black spray. Its one of the few GW things I routinely buy, obviously for undercoating figures, whether GW or not!

I little while ago it was about NZ$20 a can... more recently it had crept up to NZ$25 a can...

When I looked in the store I couldnt see any (normally kept in locked cabinet)... so I asked the staff if thay had any in back stock... She replied she didnt think they were stocking it anymore but she'd go and check with the boss... When she came back I was told that the price had jumped to NZ$32 a can and boss quite simply wasnt happy with having to get it in at that price and was looking for another supplier.

I quite understood, respected and applauded his position...yet I still needed an undercoating black matt spray paint, and had to troll round the local auto shops and DIY stores trying to find something suitable (I didnt wish to have to trail 50km down to my nearest GW store in Wellington just for a can a spray paint.)

I found a product in same size can for NZ$20 in an auto shop, but I'll have to find some old crappy models to try it out on first before I risk it on decent figures.

Thanks again GW for ruining my day!

Update 8/4/12:

Plasticote to the rescue!

 After the helpful comments received I went back to the DIY store today (thankfully Mitre 10 was open on Easter Sunday!), and grabbed a tin of plastikote metal primer.

I've tried it out on a test figure, and it has gone on fine, dried matt black. The only difference I have noted is the Plastikote product takes a little longer to dry.

But it was only NZ$17. Thats a big saving over the GW product, so thanks again for all your replies, and thanks to their price hike, GW loses another portion of my hobby purchases.


  1. I know what you mean when you find a brand and you rely on it but GW? They have just changed all thier colour range ..AGAIN!! and with it will come the usual price hike. Looks like they reckon everyone is obsessed with them to such a degree that no matter what their stuff costs people will line up and by it.

  2. I use black sandable car primer, available from Mitre 10 and other shops like that. I have used this type of undercoat for years on plastic and metal, and it is great. Dries absolutely dead flat, and so is easy to paint on top of.

    1. Hmm at Mitre 10, whats the brand name Roly?

    2. You bought the same brand I use (Plasti-Kote), though I've used their 'sandable primer' rather than 'metal primer'. But yours should be just as effective, as it is clearly designed to prepare metal.

    3. Yeah, I saw the sandable primers, but there was a gap on the shelf where I guessed the black used to be... and didnt fancy using white, grey or brown..., then I saw the metal primer so guessed that must be OK. I just have to hope Repco take back for credit the spray I got yesterday!

  3. Unless the changed their formula in the last couple years, GW chaos black spray isn't even primer anyway, it's just spray paint. Dupli-color Sandable auto primer is far better. That is what the privateer press primer is, just repackaged. I get auto primer in California for less than $6US for a can and it works far better than GW spray. Find a good brand of auto primer and then thank GW for the motivation to save money on a better product ;)

    1. Thanks for the tip, I'll see if its available over here.

  4. I've been using a cheap generic white paint I bought in an art shop called Plastikote. I don't see any difference from the GW stuff.

    1. I have used plasticoat here in NZ on other things and it alwasy seems to go on quite thick with a shiny finish...

  5. I read somewhere a guy using this primer found at Advance Autoparts *in the US* that was like $3.49 (or near) a can, last week I bought some and it was 2 for $5. A black simple primer that is inexpensive and coats well enough for me to paint my stuff. I've had no complaints and have shown people a figure done with it and one with GW primer, they look the same. I joked with the guy at the Parts store that it is sad I buy my hobby supplies from them but good for them...he was shocked that someone would ask for $15 or more for a can of primer.

    I did like you said and tested it first on a cheap throw away model, I would do some tests...GW stuff is nice, but not that nice. Sad that primer can cost as much as a blister! I mean that is a a nice meal out for me (talking a steak dinner) with drink and tip.

  6. Another option, if ever you decide to try a brush on primer, would be a black gesso. People that have used gesso for miniatures often rave about how well it works, and their results.

    I also find it's a LOT cheaper than anything else out there.

    I have NO idea how it would work with Kiwi prices, I admit to being in sticker shock for my entire two weeks there!

    1. I have heard about this too, but like the speed with which you can work with a spray can...

  7. You really should get an air brush and is what I've done. It's expensive to start at first, but in the long run will save you quite a bit money. Not mention airbrushes have multi uses with undercoating just being one.;-)


    1. Thanks Chris, I did recently get an airbrush and primed my bunkers with it, shown in earlier post. But for metal models I was led to believe that a proper primer was best for paint adhesion, and I assumed GW chaos black was such a designed primer...

  8. Will try this Plastikote myself. Like you, I am just over GW and its constant price rises for no apparant reason.
    Remember the good old days when you could buy a box of Beakie marines for... actually it is so long ago I can't remember - but I could afford the 'Games Workshop hobby' while being a poor University student. Fat chance now!

    1. LOL, ah yes the good old days of 1980's pricing... and then the company went 'big', changed a lot of stuff; even dared to drop Gobbledegook & Thudd (remember them?)from White Dwarf ... and codex creep and constant price hikes started...

  9. Scott, just revisiting this, I've ordered a couple of cans because you can't get anything else in this area. Are you still using plastikote or have you switched back?

    1. Yes still using plasticote. Its great, works fine on metal, plastic, resin and Failcast!

  10. Gah! Just heard back from Mitre 10 - they aren't making it in black anymore!

    1. Aaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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