
Monday, April 02, 2012

Oliver Cromwell and all that...

I last dabbled in ECW several years ago, with WAB (or WECW to give its proper acronym) and also experienced the WRG system.

WAB was OK-ish... in a warhammery sort of way. WRG was...well... endless number crunching with a slide-rule and ready-reckoner trying to figure out how many casualties you had caused or suffered... kinda sucked the fun out of it.

So I haven't done anything with the models I painted up all that time ago.

And now we have news that another book emerges from the Black Powder stable:

No doubt I will grab this book, from a completeness point of view, once my favorite supplier has it in stock at a good price and favorable shipping rates to this far end of the world... though who I will play it against I have no idea!

There again I have enough figures for both sides to do a little skirmishing perhaps... Time will tell.

It will be interesting to see what the BP mechanism does for this period.


  1. They do seem to be churning these books out, I probably should buy the core rules, just to see what they're like.

    1. I dont think you will regret it, they are an excellent set of rules. I'm a warmaster player from many years ago, and these rules draw from that. A very good playable system, that is also 'tweakable' for those who wish to, and with several wider period variations now.
      Generally thought of as a big battalions game, but equally useable on a skirmish level... Plus a lot of support via forums and yahoo groups...give it a whirl!

  2. I look forward to looking through this as well. I also have a modest collection of ECW stuff looking for a good set of rules and, as you say, BP is a good set of core rules. What figures do you already have for this, Scott?

    1. I have a bunch of Renegade and Bicorne troops.
      Basically two regiments of foot, a selection of various artillery pieces, and a large block of cavalry and some 'characters' - Cromwell, Fairfax and Waller.
      See earlier ECW post:

  3. I keep putting off ECW, but last year I was gifted a wonderful unpainted collection that crying out for my attention. I think I'm going to have to pick up a copy soon!

  4. Looking forward to gaming with you with these rules, Scott, even if it is just a skirmish, with your force divided in half.

    1. Well that would be a start, and for once I have troops painted ready for a rule set! Thanks for the offer.

  5. I tried to get into ECW years ago with the WECW rules. I thought the game was fun but I couldn't get into the period which made it hard to get into painting the army. It took me so long to paint the other guys sold off their armies, so I did the same. I have really been wanting to get back into the period with the new Warlord plastics and now these rules will push me over the edge. I love this series of games and this looks to be a great addition.

    1. I am surprised to see the period generates so much interest, even in you guys 'over the pond'. The availability of plastics and now hopefully a good rule-set may do wonders for this period really taking off!?

  6. Yes, I will get these too. I have played ECW using Warhammer ECW and also 1642 (which are a not dissimilar and earlier set). I actually thought that the ECW rules were the best of the Warhammer stable. I have two (48 figure) infantry regiments and a unit of cuirassiers but ECW is quite popular at the club so have had the opportunity to contribute my meagre forces to bigger battle on a number of occasions.

    1. WECW wasnt too bad but there were a few oddities in the rules IIRC, concerning the 'pike - shotte - shuffle' in the face of a cavalry charge... Yes its great when folks can get together with their troops to put together bigger battles :-)

  7. I'll probably pick up copy to try in addition to trying out standard Impetus Baroque which will be released later this year or early next. I have WHECW and 1644, but the single based casualty removal systems don't really work for me any longer.


    1. Yes I concur removing single figures from movement trays lost its appeal with me also... you have to put them somewhere during game, and then reload the trays afterwards too...


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