
Sunday, April 01, 2012

German 8cm Mortar Platoon - FoW -15mm

Three posts today! Scroll down for a look at 'More defences' and 'PillBox WIP part2'.

I finally managed to finish off the German 8cm G34 Mortar platoon today after receiving my tuft static grass clumps in the mail.

8cm Mortar platoon

This platoon gives my Wehrmacht Grenadier forces more versatile artillery support. And with three spotter teams for the six mortar teams and I should always be able to find line of sight to a suitable target :-)

They'll no doubt help my defences of Normandy beaches with the 352nd, and further back through the Bocage and into France with other Grenadier formations.

8cm Mortar team

They will also hopefully do service on the Eastern front too, trying the keep the on rushing forces of Stalin at bay.

Observer team

Platoon command SMG team


  1. Another great looking unit, you have been busy Scott!

  2. Very very nice Scott. Your painting of 15mm's is very impressive!

  3. Several nice FoW posts today. I admire your skill in making scenery pieces. I can't even glue trees together in the right order. I'm getting back into FoW, though slowly. It's a good game that I've been warming up to. Don't know why it has taken me so long... probably the scale.

    Anyway, these stands look really good!


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