
Monday, January 02, 2012

AHWPC update 2nd Jan

More work done on my Half-tracks:

Well, here they are. 20 PSC Half tracks pretty much done, I recently managed the following: (thanks to a turn to rainy weather here and having a couple of days off over the New Year break.)
  • First up I drybrushed the HTs with 'dark yellow' in this case Foundry 30B. I find this nicely blends down the camo pattern.
  • Then I panted in the tyres and internal seat backs in black
  • Then I weathered the tracks and the wheels drybrushing a mid brown (vallejo german camo brown)
  • I then painted up the 40 crew figures ( 2 for each HT), though I think this was one of those 'devotion to duty moments' - I fully painted them, even though once they are glued into position, and the top of the halftrack is glued into position, you'll only see their backs!

I did a bit of a google search on interior of the HT, and found this image:

...thanks to: - very useful site, and showed the side seats backs are a black vinyl or leather looking material, I would have left them yellow had I not seen this image...

So as they stand now they are 'done' and useable for gaming, but I still want to do the stowage, passenger crew figures, and add decals - I am just about to place an order for DOMs decals with Maelstromgames - so until they arrive, the HTs can't be fully finished...

But not too worry - doing the stowage and crews/passengers will take a little while and I still have to finish off the GzPzHQ three HTs and command stands and 'Shreks.


  1. Looking very nice indeed, when do you think they'll be finished?

  2. Thanks Ray, the delay is going to be getting the decals - I'm ordering them now from Maelstrom. I tried earlier but their server locked up on me, when I tried to go to 'checkout'.
    The stowage and crews should be done within the week I hope...
    I've just got the 3 HQ HTs up to the same point too just now.
    I hope they'll be done within a fortnight..., but if I am stuck waiting, I can get on with other stuff like the Typhoons...

  3. This is excellent work Scott. Very impressed. By the look of things you will need these points in the challenge as Galpy is racing ahead!

  4. Thanks Roger. I must admit they're a little bit of a labour of love... there are a great many iconic vehicles of WW2, and even with all the sexy big cat tanks etc, I still keep getting excited seeing shape of the '251'. When I started on the FoW quest several years back now, I knew I'd have to get some, even though at the time I started collecting Brits.
    Since PSC brought out their boxed sets, the Heavy PanzerGrenadier force became a viable option...

    As for Galpy...heck, the man's a machine! I've no way of competeing with that! I'm just along for the ride, though it will be interesting to see how these vehicles get pointed up by Curt...
    They're quite different to tanks and several other types of vehicles as you have to paint the inside as well as the outside, and then the crew. They are a lot more work than the Panzers were...

  5. Nicely done Scott, that final dry brush was a touch of genius really bringing the paint job together.

  6. I can't believe the lead Galpy has, I thought I painted quick!!! Lets hope the decals hurry up and get to you!!!

  7. I'm the same as you in that I'm along for the ride as I really cannot compete with the folks at the top as I can't even get a base color on a model as fast as they are churning out completed ones!
    Really nice work so far btw.


  8. Thanks Michael, I am indeed quite pleased with how they have come out thus far.

    The order went through to Maelstrom, so I have to hope they get despatched soonest after the New Year break, and there isn't too much backlog of xmas mail for it to fight its way through...

    I know what you mean, several of the guys are lashing stuff out at a rate of knots! Scary for us mere mortals! But still its inspiring too - I have achieved what I have so far, partly down to that - all spare moments I have been beavering away...

  9. Look amazing! Can't wait to see them when there all done!


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