
Friday, December 30, 2011

Anologue Hobbies Winter Painting Challenge (AHWPC) - update

Just a quick shot to show where I am upto:

  • 20 PSC Half Tracks assembled, base coated, and washed
  • 3 Typhoons assembled, undercoat basecoat done
  • 3 Command HalfTracks from GpPzGr HQ pack assembled and base coated
  • 3/4s of the ' driver' figures trimmed ready for paint for the PSC Half-Tracks.
So next jobs to do:

  • Drybrush Halftracks 'middlestone'
  • Paint halftracks tyres black
  • Drybrush 'mud brown' to Half track wheels and tracks
  • Do stowage options for halftracks
  • Do crews for halftracks
  • Wash command halftracks, do command figures for GpPzGr HQ
  • Paint Typhoons
  • Add decals to halftracks and typhoons
So still a fair bit to do, but its started raining here, and its set in for the weekend :-), so I'll get some painting done hopefully, and have a game of Flames of War lined up too!


  1. Great looking so far!! I'm sitting at work listening to Jimi Hendrix, them camo patterns are really psychedelic man!!

  2. Thanks Guys - yeah it looks a bit 'in your face' at the moment with the camo - once they get the final 'dark yellow' drybrush, it 'blends' it all quite well (see panzer IV's in prior post to see what I mean)...

  3. Top work Scott, but don't let SWMBO catch you praying for rain! Have a great weekend Sir.

  4. LOL, lots of rain the last few days - almost two days with a fair bit of painting done. I'll post an update shortly.


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