
Friday, May 06, 2016

The Hobby Corner - a new supplier in town!

Well there's nothing like blowing your own trumpet, except when someone blows it for you!

And mate Herman over at Wargames Obsession beat me to the punch, thanks for that mate, much appreciated!

Just to re-iterate here for my own blog audience...

Having been a gamer myself for more years than I care to remember, and having seen the demise of our two local hobby supply stores, (The Kapiti Model Shop and Toyworld), for varied reasons... I decided to try and do something about it.

I was a little frustrated at not being able to acquire simple things, like pots of paint or glue, locally when I run out, either having a lengthy drive to the big smoke to get some, or having to wait for online suppliers to get stock to me in the mail...

Having bought our pharmacy business almost a year ago now, I am pleased to say the business is performing well and largely taking care of itself now, and seeing a spare area of space in the store, made me put two and two together. So after a few inquiries, I've jumped in with both feet!

I have decided to use WARLORD GAMES as my core supplier, and will shortly be stocking their BOLT ACTION game system, which seems very popular at the moment, and seems to be enjoying  a take up from Flames of War players, who have become a little frustrated with the companies supply issues with that game...

Warlord also stock the popular ARMY PAINTER ranges of paints and shades washes, brushes etc and range of Hobby Tools, which we will be stocking too.

And to make your bases look great we'll also be stocking Warlords new range of scenic basing materials to really make your troops pop!

Warlord also stock a number of other games like Hail Caesar, Black Powder, Judge Dredd, Gates of Antares, Terminator and a new Zombie game too. Plus they stock the range of plastic figures from PERRY MINIATURES.

So whilst I wont be able to physically stock all these items, its going to be a hobby 'corner' not a hobby 'shop' after all!... I will be able to order in any of these items, usually within a couple of weeks.

I have also recently found a local distributor in NZ for Vallejo Paints and Woodland Scenics.

Vallejo offer some excellent paints for those WWII uniforms and vehicles and the scenic supplies from Woodland, will keep hobbyist , both gaming and model railroad, happy indeed.

So with initial orders placed now, I am hoping to receive stock in a couple of weeks time.

I knocked up a little picture of yours truly for a little Meme... to give the locals who were helping me with initial opening orders a laugh...

Must admit I grabbed the closest white coat quickly for the pic... turned out it was my wifes... to paraphrase Gimli, it was a "little tight across the chest"... ;-)

I may even be able to have some humorous memes on our store facebook page? Give us a Like if you pop over for a look :)

So its going to be quite an interesting change in the store, and after 20+ years of having to divert questions about cosmetics to my female colleagues, I'll finally have something in store I know about, medicines aside! Its going to be rather amusing teaching my female staff the difference between an M4 Sherman and a Panzer IV H ;-)

So if you're a local modeler, gamer or model railroad enthusiast come on down and give us your support.

The Hobby Corner
Paraparaumu Beach Pharmacy
17 Seaview Road
Paraparaumu Beach
New Zealand
Ph 04 2988882, Fax 04 2988724 email : paraparaumubeachpcy AT xtra DOT co DOT nz (sorry - trying to beat the spambots)


  1. Thats fantastic stuff Scott a really good initiative and its great to see someone, especially a gamer, stepping in a filling a very noticeable hole in the local hobby shop scene. Wish you all the best and I'll definitely being making use of the new hobby center as often as possible.

    1. Many thanks John, I look forward to seeing down at the store sometime :)

  2. I wish you success with this Scott. Warlord are a good outfit to be supplying I think, as they have so much variety available. Bolt Action really does seem to be taking off. Are you going to have any painted models on display - seeing your finished painting will surely be a good way to entice new recruits!

    1. Thanks Nate, agreed I liked the overall mix of games and products available... yes I hope to be able to do that... have been looking at lockable glass display cabinets on trademe, and shop fitters websites...

  3. Excellent!! Good luck with the corner!

  4. Warlord also stock Frostgrave...just saying...

    1. Had thought about that to be honest, but most of the locals who play it are doing so using their existing varied fantasy figures; LOTR, Mordheim, Warhammer etc etc..., so not sure theres much chance of sales there, other than the rulebook???

    2. Well, it's often what I'm using MY LOTR miniatures for, so I guess I can't blame them!

  5. Now if only my local pharmacy would do the same...instead their spare corners seem to be taken up with sweets and fizzy drinks!

    1. LOL, yeah we thought about doing that too, but my heart wasn't in it (healthcare angle) and why compete with the local 'mini-marts'... I'd much prefer to promote our own 'plastic crack' - far more addictive - I hope ! ;-)

  6. Wonderful idea Scott, I wish you the best of luck.

  7. Brilliant! Good luck with the new venture!

  8. So now I could walk in to get my cold medicine and a new Tiger Tank, a dream come true. Good Luck

    1. Oh, and bring the Mrs with you, she can grab a lipstick or something while you're browsing :)

  9. Great stuff! Good luck with the new business :) There's some synergy as well. Painkillers etc. for when the long hours at the paint desk start to cause issues :P

  10. Good luck with this Scott... Sounds like a great idea..

  11. Wishing the very best of luck Scott, such a lovely idea.

  12. And here is me thinking that the Bendon shop was the only reason to stop in Otaki.

    1. or Pram, (I was sure your shop was in Otaki) :)

    2. Yeah I used to work in Otaki, but that shop got bought out and closed down by the local opposition... that's when I bought the pharmacy in Pram... been there a year now :)


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